The Ian Donald Gold Medal is awarded once a year to an individual who has made a significant scientific contribution to the advancement of diagnostic ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology and who has changed the way ultrasound is practiced through research or innovation.

Dr Steven R. Goldstein, MD is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School of Medicine. He is the immediate Past President of the International Menopause Society (IMS). He is Past President and Fellow of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) as well as Past President of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS). He is past Chairman of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), New York Section.

His pioneering work in menopausal and perimenopausal ultrasound led him into design of uterine safety studies for several Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators. He was author of the ACOG Technical Bulletin ‘Ultrasound in Gynecology’ as well as the author of their practice guidelines on SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators). He has served as the liaison physician from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology to the Women’s Health Imaging Panel of the American College of Radiology. He has been an examiner for the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of the Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

In 2016, he received the Clarkson Award from NAMS for lifetime achievement in menopause research. In 2019, he received the Joseph H. Holmes Clinical Pioneer award from AIUM. In 2023, he received the William J. Fry Memorial Lecture Award from AIUM in recognition of his distinguished career and contributions to the growth and development of medical ultrasound.

He has published seven books on women’s health topics, including menopause, perimenopause, early pregnancy monitoring, abnormal uterine bleeding and gynecologic ultrasounds. He has authored more than 60 chapters in textbooks as well as over 80 original research articles. He is one of the most highly recognised and regarded individuals in the field of vaginal probe ultrasound worldwide. He has been a guest faculty member, invited speaker, visiting professor or course director over 400 times throughout the United States and the world. Read more.

Country: USA

Field: Gynecology

Specialties: Gynecological ultrasound; early pregnancy; reproductive medicine; abnormal uterine bleeding; postmenopausal ultrasound; incidental findings in gynecological ultrasound; ovarian cancer screening

Language: English

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Prof. Eduard Gratacós is director and professor at BCNatal, a referral clinical and research center in Maternal-Fetal Medicine at the University Hospitals Clinic and Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona. His main research lines have been placental insufficiency, fetal programming and fetal therapy in general, including most recently artificial placenta.

He has published +600 peer reviewed papers, directed +60 national and international research projects and +40 doctoral theses. He has provided training in maternal-fetal medicine to +400 specialists. Founder of Fetal Medicine Barcelona, which offers medical education worldwide, with over 25,000 registered users.

Country: Spain

Field: Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Fetal Surgery

Specialties: Fetal growth restriction, preeclampsia, monochorionic twins, fetal surgery

Languages: English, Spanish

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Head, Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Centers, Jerusalem, Israel

Prof. Simcha Yagel heads the Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Centers in Jerusalem and the Ultrasound Unit within the department. He teaches in the Faculty of Medicine and at the School of Ultrasound of the Israel Society for Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He founded the Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Laboratory, and was a founding member and president of the Israel Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as founding member and president of the Israel Society for Placenta Research. Prof. Yagel has served as editor of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology and is one of the past members of the ISUOG Board of Trustees.

He has published over 380 basic and clinical research articles in leading peer-reviewed journals. In the clinical sphere, his work focuses primarily on 3D/4D ultrasound of the fetal cardiovascular, CNS, and other fetal organ systems, and the female pelvic floor. He is best known for his work on the 3-vessel-and-trachea view and the 5-planes approach to fetal cardiac scanning, the developmental nature of fetal anomalies, and the fetal head circumference and its impact on the birth process. His recent work has branched out to applying artificial intelligence to develop predictive algorithms for obstetric care.

Prof. Yagel’s work in basic and translational research focuses on placental cell function and gene expression in the development of the placenta, and NK cells at the maternal-fetal interface and their role as builders in implantation and placental and fetal development. With the advent of the pandemic Prof Yagel and colleagues have investigated the prevalence of CoViD-19 antibodies in the peripheral blood of three groups of parturients: infected-recovered, vaccinated, and unvaccinated, as well as in their placentas and newborns, to determine the rate of vertical transmission of the virus in pregnancy and transmission of vaccine protection.

Country: Israel

Field: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Perinatology

Specialties: Fetal Cardiology, Fetal Anatomy Scanning, Congenital Malformations, Fetal Venous System, Basic and Translational Research

Languages: Hebrew, English

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2020 Gold Medal Award article

Davor Jurkovic is a Consultant Gynaecologist and Director of Gynaecology Diagnostic and Outpatient Treatment Unit at University College Hospital London.  His main clinical and academic interest is the use of ultrasound in the diagnosis and management of early pregnancy and gynaecological abnormalities.  He has pioneered the use of colour Doppler in gynaecology and early pregnancy as well as the use of three-dimensional ultrasound for the diagnosis of congenital uterine anomalies. He has published more than 250 papers in the international peer review journals and has edited five books on gynaecological ultrasound. Read more.

Country: UK

Field: Gynecology

Specialties: Endometriosis, early pregancy complications, ultrasound in gynaecology, benign gyanecological conditions, diagnosis of uterine and ovarian cancer.

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UOG Editorial Board, Courses Task Force

Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lund University, Sweden 2002 -2015
Senior Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lund University, Sweden since 2016
Major research interest: Obstetric and Gynecologic Ultrasound 
More than 200 scientific publications, h- index 61
Invited speaker at more than 150 scientific meetings since 2005 
Teacher at more than 100 national and international courses in obstetrics and gynecology (mainly 
ultrasound courses)
Course organizer of more than 40 postgraduate courses in ultrasound
Editor of the journal Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005 – 2011
Honorary officer of numerous scientific associations and committees over the years, for example of
ISUOG board 2004 – 2007, of ISUOG standards committee 2007-2015, the safety committee (ECMUS) of 
the European Federation of Ultrasound Societies in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) 2002-2012, and 
chairperson of the educational committee of EFSUMB 2002-2006, secretary (1994 to 2000) and 
chairperson (2000 to 2003) of the Swedish Society for Ultrasound in Medicine.
One of the founders of the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) and International Endometrial 
Tumor Analyses (IETA) collaborations.
Fellow ad eundum of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (UK)
Honorary Fellow of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) 2022
Country: Sweden

Field: Gynecology

Specialties: Gynecological ultrasound; gynecological oncology; early pregnancy; safety of ultrasound

Languages: English; Swedish
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2018 Gold Medal Award article

Jan Deprest MD PhD FRCOG is Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the KU Leuven (B) and UCL (UK). He has a research interest in fetal surgery, in particular to antenatal interventions to modulate fetal development in case of congenital birth defects.


He directs the clinical fetal surgery program in Leuven, and sets up the program at University College London Hospital to treat fetuses with spina bifida and congenital diaphragmatic hernia, funded by the Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity.

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2017 Gold Medal Award article

Dr Greggory DeVore has pioneered work in the identification of congenital heart defects using 2D, 3D, 4D, and color Doppler ultrasound. As a result of Dr DeVore’s research, he has published numerous studies in the peer-reviewed medical literature describing the use of fetal echocardiography to detect fetuses with Down syndrome and other chromosomal defects. Dr DeVore has the highest detection rate reported in the medical literature for the detection of Down syndrome using Genetic Ultrasound.

Notable Publications:

Genetic sonography: the historical and clinical role of fetal echocardiography. Devore GR. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2010 May;35(5):509-21. Review. No abstract available. PMID: 20443195 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Tomographic ultrasound imaging of the fetal heart: a new technique for identifying normal and abnormal cardiac anatomy. Devore GR, Polanko B. J Ultrasound Med. 2005 Dec 24(12):1685-96.

Country: USA

Field: Obstetrics

Specialties: Fetal anomaly screening 1st and 2nd Trimester; aneuploidies; fetal anomalies; fetal heart; fetal growth restriction; maternal and fetal Doppler; 3D & 4D ultrasound

Language: English

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2015 Gold Medal award article

Country: Norway

Field: Obstetrics

Specialties: Fetal anomaly screening T2; fetal biometry and wellbeing; fetal heart; fetal growth restriction; maternal and fetal Doppler; safety of ultrasound; fetal circulation

Languages: English; Norwegian; Amharic

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2009 Gold Medal Award article

Country: Germany

Field: Obstetrics

Specialties: Fetal anomalies; fetal heart; fetal brain; fetal growth restriction; maternal and fetal Doppler; fetal interventional procedures

Languages: English; German


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Dr Lawrence Platt earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Wayne State University and his medical degree from Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, Michigan. He went on to complete both an internship and a residency in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Sinai Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, where he was selected as Chief Resident. Dr Platt continued his training with a fellowship in maternal-fetal medicine in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Southern California School of Medicine. Upon completion of his fellowship, he was offered a full-time faculty position where he attained the rank of full professor after seven years. A Diplomate of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the National Board of Medical Examiners, Dr Platt also holds a sub-specialty board certification in maternal-fetal medicine. In addition to his private practice work, he is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. A former chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and vice chairman at UCLA, Dr Platt is currently on attending staff at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, the UCLA Reagan Medical Center, and on the attending staff at St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica where he co-directs the division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Division.

2008 Gold Medal Award article

Country: USA

Field: Gynecology; Obstetrics

Specialties: Fetal anomaly screening T1 & T2; fetal biometry and wellbeing; aneuploidies; fetal anomalies; fetal heart; fetal growth restriction; preterm delivery; 3D & 4D ultrasound; genetics; gynecological ultrasound; safety of ultrasound

Language: English

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Prof. Gianluigi Pilu is Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Università di Bologna, Italy. He is a researcher in the fields of Obstetrics and Prenatal Diagnosis.

Notable Publications: Authors of more 200 original scientific articles published in journal with perl review listed in Index Medicus, 5 books and several multimedia products.

2007 Gold Medal Award article

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Dr Roberto Romero, MD, D.Med.Sci., is Chief of the Perinatology Research Branch of the NICHD/NIH. He trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Yale University, where he was Director of Perinatal Research, before joining NIH.  Dr. Romero’s team has made seminal contributions to the diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy, prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies, prediction and prevention of preterm labor/delivery, and the role of infection/inflammation in preterm and term parturition.

In addition, Dr. Romero is an author of over 1000 peer-reviewed publications and several books, including the medical best seller, Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Anomalies. He is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine and the recipient of 14 Doctorate Honoris Causa and Honorary Professorships from Universities worldwide.

Dr. Romero has been honored by national and international professional societies for his medical and scientific contributions, including the Ian Donald Gold Medal (International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology), the Erich Saling Award from the World Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Maternité Prize in Obstetrics, awarded by the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, and also, is the first obstetrician to receive the prestigious Asan Award in Medicine from the Asan Foundation in South Korea.  

Dr. Romero is Editor-in-Chief for Obstetrics of one of the oldest journals in its discipline, the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. The journal has a circulation of 42,000 in the United States and has published seminal work that has the changed the lives of mothers and children.


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2002 Gold Medal Award article

Prof. Ilan E. Timor is an obstetrician-gynecologist in New York, New York and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including NYU Langone Hospitals and NYC Health and Hospitals-South Brooklyn Health. He received his medical degree from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Hadassah Medical School and has been in practice for more than 20 years.

Prof. Timor-Tritsch's original research was in fetal behavior. He wrote some of the original articles on the use of fetal heart rate monitoring to indirectly characterize various fetal sleep states. It was during these years in Cleveland that he developed a keen interest in real-time ultrasound, initially as a tool to assess fetal status, but later as a vehicle for prenatal diagnosis.

Prof. Timor-Tritsch is best known for his work with transvaginal sonography in chronicling normal and abnormal embryonic development. He also pioneered this technique to identify anomalies before they could be adequately visualized with transabdominal ultrasound. Working in parallel with the Trondheim group, Prof. Timor-Tritsch demonstrated the capability of ultrasound in the study of fetal brain development and in the diagnosis, sometimes through transvaginal ultrasound, of a variety of fetal intracranial abnormalities. Adding to the list of accomplishments, he is one of the leaders in utilizing ultrasound adjunctively in invasive procedures, particularly in multiple gestations. Speaking of multiple gestations, he and his colleague, Ana Monteagudo, have authored a book on twins that I often still grab off the shelf to answer an occasional diagnostic question.

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2001 Gold Medal Award article

Receiving her MD in 1976 from Harvard Medical School, Dr. Benacerraf went on to complete her internship at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, her residency at Massachusetts General Hospital, and her fellowship in ultrasound and computed tomography at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. During her 30-year academic affiliation with Harvard Medical School, she has risen to the rank of clinical professor in obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology and radiology. From 1991 through 1993, Dr. Benacerraf was codirector of high-risk obstetric ultrasound at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and from 1993 through 1999 she was director of the obstetric ultrasound at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Active in the ultrasound community, Dr. Benacerraf has directed and organized a host of postgraduate ultrasound courses. Among her many roles in the ultrasound community, she is an elected fellow of the American College of Radiology and the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound, was treasurer of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology for 7 years and is a current board member of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.  She was treasurer of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) for 2 years,  is the current President of that society.   Dr. Benacerraf is also the medical director and president of Diagnostic Ultrasound Associates, PC, a medical practice that she founded in 1982.  She has served as Editor in Chief of the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine from 2000 to 2010.   Her contributions to the field of diagnostic ultrasound have been recognized by the receipt of the Ian Donald Gold Medal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Frye Award and the Holmes award both of the American Institute of Ultrasound.  She was selected to deliver the Silver Lecture at Barnard College in 2007, and received the 2008 Marie Curie Award from the Association of Women Radiologists. In 2010, she was the recipient of the Larry Mack award for lifetime achievement in ultrasound research from the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound.

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Dr Karel Marsal is Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Clinical Sciences Lund, Lund University, Sweden.

Notable publications: Dr Marsal has published 280 peer reviewed scientific papers, 131 chapters and reviews and has edited 11 textbooks.

2000 Gold Medal Award article

Country: Sweden

Field: Obstetrics

Specialties: Fetal biometry and wellbeing; fetal growth restriction; maternal and fetal Doppler; safety of ultrasound

Languages: English; Czech; Swedish


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1999 Gold Medal Award article

Prof. Kypros Nicolaides is Professor of Fetal Medicine at King’s College Hospital, London. He was born in Cyprus and studied medicine at Kings, training in obstetrics and gynecology and specialising in fetal medicine. He has carried out extensive research in many aspects of fetal diagnosis and therapy leading to the publication of more than 1400 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals. His research publications on imaging and prenatal diagnosis have transformed ultrasound practice and his work to implement quality control for nuchal translucency has led to this technique becoming an established screening test of Down's syndrome and other genetic conditions. He was awarded the ISUOG Ian Donald Gold Medal in 1999 in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the field.

He has provided training in fetal medicine to more than 500 doctors from 50 countries and has supervised more than 50 doctors to undertake research leading to PhDs and MDs. In 1995 he founded the charity The Fetal Medicine Foundation, which has donated more than £45 million to promote research and training in fetal medicine throughout the world.

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Notable Publications:

Schoonderwaldt EM, Groenenberg IA, Hop WC, Wladimiroff JW, Steegers EA. Reproducibility of echocardiographic measurements of human fetal left ventricular volumes and ejection fractions using four-dimensional ultrasound with the spatio-temporal image correlation modality. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2012; 160: 22-9.

The outcome of gastroschisis after prenatal diagnosis or a diagnosis only after birth. Recommendations for prenatal surveillance. Cohen-Overbeek TE, Hatzmann TR, Steegers EA, Hop WC, Wladimiroff JW, Tibboel D. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2008; 139: 21-7

1996 Gold Medal Award article

Country: UK

Field: Obstetrics

Specialties: Fetal anomaly screening T1 & T2; fetal biometry and wellbeing; aneuploidies; fetal anomalies; fetal heart; fetal brain; fetal growth restriction; maternal and fetal Doppler; multiple pregnancy

Languages: English; Russian; Dutch

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Ian Donald Gold Medal Sub-Committee Chair; Honours Committee member

Professor Stuart Campbell is a pioneer of Ultrasound Diagnosis in medicine. He as introduced many new techniques such as the routine pregnancy scan, the early diagnosis of fetal abnormalities, the assessment of fetal growth and wellbeing and ultrasound screening for ovarian cancer. He holds numerous international honours and has recently introduced 3D scanning to the UK and set up the first 4D Ultrasound Clinic. He has also pioneered the screening for pre-eclampsia by uterine artery Doppler.

1992 Gold Medal Award article

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