22nd World Congress, 9th - 12th September 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark

Congratulations to all our award winners who were acknowledged during the 22nd World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Copenhagen. 



The following free communications presented at the 22nd World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology are acknowledged as the best presentations in their categories. Full abstracts to these titles can be found in Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2012;

38 (Suppl. 1). We thank these authors for their valuable contributions to our scientific program.


Top abstract winner

Percutaneous transhepatic ultrasound-guided cardiac catheterization in a fetal lamb model (OC01.05)

A. Edwards1,2, S. Menahem5,4, A. Veldman5, D. Schranz6, F. Wong1,3

1The Ritchie Centre, Monash University, Ashburton, VIC,

Australia; 2Perinatal Services, Monash Medical Centre,

Melbourne, VIC, Australia; 3Monash Newborn, Monash

Medical Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia; 4Fetal Cardiac

Unit, Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia;

5Department of Paediatrics, Monash University, Melbourne,

VIC, Australia; 6Pediatric Heart Center, Justus-Liebig

University, Giessen, Germany


Young investigator award winner - Obstetrics 

Presence of post-systolic shortening as a sign of cardiac adaptation to chronic pressure overload in intrauterine growth restriction (OC12.02)

F. Crispi1, B. Bijnens2, E. Sep´ ulveda-Swatson1, M. Cruz

Lemini1, J. Rojas-Benavente1, R. Garcia-Posada1, M. Sitges3,

E. Gratacos1
1Maternal-Fetal Medicine Department, ICGON, Hospital

Clinic, Universitat de Barcelona; Fetal and Perinatal Medicine

Research Group, IDIBAPS; and Centro de Investigaci ´on

Biom´edica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER),

Barcelona, Spain; 2ICREA, Universitat Pompeu Fabra,

Barcelona, Spain; 3Cardiology Department, Thorax Clinic

Institute, Hospital Clinic, IDIBAPS, Universitat de

Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Young investigator winner - Gynecology 

A possible role of 3D-ultrasound in the assessment of parametrial infiltration in cervical cancer (OC24.03)

V. Chiappa1, M. Micc `o3, M. Moruzzi2, M. Ludovisi2, B. Gui3, A. Valentini3, A. Testa2

1Obstetrics and Gynaecology, San Gerardo Hospital, Monza, Italy; 2Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy; 3Radiology, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy


Best Oral Communications

The following oral communications were each selected as the best in their subject area. Selection was according to a combination of anonymous peer-review in advance of the Congress and scores for presentation and/or scientific merit allocated on-site by a panel of judges.



Prenatal diagnostic features of closed spinal dysraphism (OC11.06)

D. Pugash1, B. Irwin4, P. Thiessen2, D. Cochrane3, P. C. Brugger6, D. Prayer5

1Radiology; Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 2Pediatrics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 3Neurosurgery,

BC Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 4BC Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 5University Clinics of Radiodiagnostics, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; 6Integrative Morphology Group, Centre of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria


Early pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancies-the same but different? (OC03.06)

S. Merritt1, L. Story1, J. Mclaren1, P. Seed2, J. Hamilton1

1Emergency Gynaecology and Early Pregnancy Unit, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; 2Department of Women’s Health, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom


Fetal heart

Fetal myocardial performance (Tei) index in fetal hemoglobin Bart´s disease (OC08.04)

S. Luewan, F. Tongprasert, K. Srisupundit, T. Tongsong

Obstetrics & Gynecology, Chiang Mai University, Muang, Thailand



Comparison of two scoring systems for diagnosing levator ani muscle damage (OC10.02)

T. Vergeldt1, M. Weemhoff2

1Rijnstate Ziekenhuis, Arnhem, Netherlands; 2Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht, Netherlands


Pelvic pain

Can we predict pouch Douglas obliteration using a new real-time ultrasound technique: the ‘sliding sign’ (OC13.03)

S. Reid1, C. Lu2, I. Casikar1, M. Mongelli1, G. Condous1

1Early Pregnancy, Acute Gynaecology and Advanced Endosurgery Unit, Nepean Hospital, Penrith, NSW, Australia; 2Computer Science, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom


Reproductive medicine

Comparison of two methods to calculate mean VI and FI from ovarian stroma on the basis of spatio-temporal image correlation - high definition flow (STIC-HDF) technology (OC06.03)

M. J. Kudla2, J. Alcazar1

1Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain; 2Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland


How does IVF affect cyclical changes in subendometrial vascularity (OC06.04)

S. Sur, B. Campbell, N. J. Raine-Fenning

School of Clinical Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom



Prediction of intra-partum fetal distress using the fetal crebro-umbilical ratio (OC14.03)

T. Prior1,2, E. Mullins1,2, P. Bennett2, S. Kumar1,2

1Centre for Fetal Care, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom; 2Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom


Preterm labour

Is there any role for first trimester cervical assessment and uterine artery Doppler as screening test for spontaneous early preterm delivery? (OC09.04)

M. Parra-Cordero1,2, A. Sepulveda-Martinez1, G. Rencoret2, E. Valdes1, H. Munoz1

1Fetal Medicine Unit, Obstetric & Gynecology Department, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile; 2Fetal Medicine Unit, Hospital San Borja Arriaran, Santiago, Chile


Aneuploidy & fetal anomalies - first trimester

Screening for fetal spina bifida by ultrasound examination in the first trimester of pregnancy at 11-14 weeks' using fetal biparietal measurement diameter (OC05.02)

J. Bernard1,2, H. Cuckle3, J. Stirnemann1, L. J. Salomon1, Y. Ville1

1Maternit´e, Hopital Necker Enfants Malades, AP-HP, Universit´e Paris Descartes, Paris, France; 2C.E.D.E.F., Le Chesnay, France; 3Columbia University Center, New York, NY, USA


Uterine pathology

Ultrasound characteristics of endometrial hyperplasia described using IETA terms (OC16.01)

V. Chiappa, C. Penati, F. Dell’Orto, R. Fruscio, A. Lissoni

San Gerardo Hospital, Monza, Italy


Aneuploidy & fetal anomalies - second trimester

Whole-genome array CGH in fetuses with major malformations: a Danish study (OC20.06)

E. Vestergaard1, R. Christensen1, O. B. Petersen2, I. Vogel1

1Department of Clinical Genetics, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark; 2Department Obstetrics and Gynecology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark


Fetal growth & assessing fetal health

Cardiovascular function in adulthood following IUGR with ARED flow (OC12.03)

N. Bjarnegard2, E. K. Morsing4, M. Cintio3, T. Länne2, J. Brodszki1

1Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden; 2Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden; 3Electrical Measurements, Faculty of Engineering, Lund, Sweden; 4Department of Pediatrics, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden


Multiple pregnancy

3D MRI volume reconstruction of the fetal brain in twin-twin transfusion syndrome: reduced brain volume in ex-donors predicts adverse outcomes (OC22.07)

M. Taylor-Clarke1,2, J. Allsop3, R. Wimalasundera1,2, M. Rutherford3, H. M. Gardiner1,2

1Institute of Reproductive & Developmental Biology, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom; 2Centre for Fetal Care, Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea Hospital, London,

United Kingdom; 3MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom


Ovarian pathology

The risk of malignancy in unilocular ovarian cysts: a study on 1148 adnexal masses classified as unilocular cysts at transvaginal scan (OC21.01)

L. Valentin1, L. Ameye2, A. Testa3, D. Franchi4, S. Guerriero5, A. Lissoni8, D. Jurkovic6, D. Timmerman7

1Skane University Hospital, Malmo, Sweden; 2Department of Electrical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; 3Instituto di Clinica Ostetrica e

Ginecologica, Universit `a Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy; 4Obstetrics and gynecology, European Institute of Cancer, Milano, Italy; 5Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy; 6Obstetrics and Gynecology, University College Hospital, London, United Kingdom; 7Obstetrics and Gynecology,

University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; 8Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica, Ospedale S. Gerardo, Universit `a di Milano, Monza, Italy


Fetal therapy

In vivo validation of the treatment effect of Sildenafil in a nitrofen induced congenital diaphragmatic hernia rat model (OC25.02)

Y. Yamamoto1, B. Thebaud4, V. Jain2, L. K. Hornberger2,3

1Obstetrics and Gynecology, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan; 2Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; 3Pediatric Cardiology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; 4Pediatrics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada


General gynecology

Conservative ultrasonographic follow up of asymptomatic endometrial lesions in postmenopausal women in a safe alternative to surgical procedures (OC19.01)

Y. Goldberg, N. Andria, O. Lavie, R.Mandel, A. Peleg, R. Auslender

Obstetrics and Gynecology, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa, Israel



The role of ultrasound in planning fertility sparing surgery and individual treatment in early stage cervical cancer (OC24.05)

D. Fischerova1, M. Zikan1, I. Pinkavova1, F. Frühauf1, P. Dundr2, K. Nemejcova2, A. Burgetova3, D. Cibula1

1Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital, Charles University, Gynecological Oncology Centre, Prague 2, Czech Republic; 2Department of Pathology, First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital, Charles

University, Prague, Czech Republic; 3Department of Radiology, First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital, Charles University, Prague 2, Czech Republic


Imaging technologies

An image processing technique for 3-D fractional moving blood volume (FMBV) estimation using power Doppler ultrasound (PD-US) (OC18.03)

G. N. Stevenson1, S. L. Collins2, A. W. Welsh3, L. W. Impey2, J. A. Noble1

1Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; 2Oxford Fetal Medicine Unit, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom; 3School of Womens’ & Childrens’ Health, Royal Hospital for Women, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia


Best Short Oral Presentations (oral posters)

The following short oral presentations were each selected as the best in their subject area. Selection was according to a combination of anonymous peer-review in advance of the Congress and scores for presentation and/or scientific merit allocated on-site by a panel of judges.



Prenatal diagnosis of Dandy-Walker malformation and Blake´s pouch cyst at 15-18 weeks (OP14.08)

E. Contro1, F. De Musso1, G. Campobasso2, G. Rembouskos2, N. Rizzo1, P. Volpe2, G. Pilu1

1Fetal Medicine Unit, Dept Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St.Orsola Malpighi Hospital, Bologna, Italy; 2Fetal Medicine Unit, Di Venere and Sarcone Hospital, Bari, Italy


Early pregnancy

What proportion of intrauterine pregnancies result from ovum transmigration after salpingectomy for ectopic pregnancy? (OP05.01)

A. Z. Davison1, C. T. Lee2, Y. Sana1, A. Appiah1, J. A. Ross1

1Early Pregnancy and Gynaecology Assessment Unit, Kings College Hospital, London, United Kingdom; 2Princess Royal University Hospital, Orpington, United Kingdom


Safety issues

The effect of reduced level of ultrasound power on obstetric biometric measurements (OP25.01)

R. K. Sande1,2, K. Matre3, T. Kiserud1,2, G. Eide4,5

1Clinical Fetal Physiology Research Group, Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway; 2Fetal Medicine Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway; 3Institute of Medicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway; 4Centre for Clinical Research, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway; 5Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway



Dynamic myometrial changes in upper and lower uterine segments during the third stage of labor (OP18.08)

M. Patwardhan1,2, H. Ahn1,2, E. A. Hernandez-Andrade1,2, S. Korzeniewski1,2, Y. Hussein1,2, X. Tang1,2, T. Chaiworapongsa1,2, S. Hassan1,2, R. Romero1

1Perinatology Research Branch, NICHD/NIH/DHHS, Detroit, MI, USA; 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA


Preterm labour

Screening of spontaneous preterm delivery by obstetric history and second trimester ultrasound in an unselected Chilean population (OP08.08)

M. Parra-Cordero1,2, G. Rencoret2, A. Sepulveda-Martinez1, H. Munoz1, D. Pedraza1

1Fetal Medicine Unit, Obstetric & Gynecology Department, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile; 2Fetal Medicine Unit, Hospital San Borja Arriaran, Santiago, Chile



Hiatal ballooning is an independent risk factor of prolapse recurrence (OP13.09)

N. Rodrigo, K. Shek, V. Wong, H. P. Dietz

Department of Ob/Gyn, Sydney Medical School Nepean, Penrith, NSW, Australia


Pelvic pain

The prediction of pouch Douglas obliteration using off-line analysis of the TVS ‘sliding sign’: diagnosis accuracy and inter-observer agreement (OP19.06)

S. Reid1, C. Lu2, I. Casikar1, B. J. Mein3, R. Magotti3, J. Ludlow4, R. Benzie3, G. Condous1

1Early Pregnancy, Acute Gynaecology and Advanced Endosurgery Unit, Nepean Hospital, Penrith, NSW, Australia; 2Computer Science, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom; 3Perinatal Ultrasound,Nepean Hospital, Penrith, NSW, Australia; 4Obstetrics and

Gynaecology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia


Reproductive medicine

HyCoSy using gel foam to assess tubal patency (OP11.09)

D. Van Schoubroeck, T. Van den Bosch, C. Meuleman, D. Timmerman

Obstetrics & Gynecology, University Hospital Leuven, Leuven, Belgium


Uterine pathology

3D-transvaginal sonography by VCI analysis to differentiate endometrial polyp and hyperplasia in pre-menopausal women (OP20.01)

F. Leone1, C. Marciante1, A. Crepaldi1, M. Mariani1, E. Ferrazzi2

1Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, DSC L. Sacco, University of Milan, Milan, Italy; 2Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Childrens’ Hospital Buzzi, University of Milan, Milan, Italy


General gynecology

Cystic ovarian structures in the peri-and postmenopause: simple ultrasound prognostic factors (OP24.01)

B. Erdodi, Z. Toth, A. Jakab

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Debrecen Medical and Health Science Center, Debrecen, Hungary


Fetal therapy

Partial amniotic carbon dioxide insufflation (PACI) during fetoscopic surgery on 60 fetuses with spina befida aperta (OP06.05)

T. Kohl1, R. Schürg2, H. Maxeiner2, K. Tchatcheva3, J. Degenhardt4, R. Stressig3, R. Axt-Fliedner4, U. Gembruch3

1German Center for Fetal Surgery & Minimally-Invasive Therapy (GCSF), Giessen, Germany; 2Department of Anesthesiology & Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Giessen, Giessen, Germany; 3Department of Obstetrics and Prenatal Medicine, University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany; 4Department of Prenatal Medicine, University Hospital Giessen, Giessen, Germany


Maternal fetal Doppler

Utero-placental interface vascularity in early pregnancy estimated by 3D fractional moving blood volume (3D FMBV) predicts fetal growth restriction (OP22.01)

S. L. Collins2, G. N. Stevenson1, A. W. Welsh3, J. A. Noble1,

L. W. Impey2

1Insititute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; 2Oxford Fetal Medicine Unit, The John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom; 3School of

Womens’ & Childrens’ Health, Royal Hospital for Women, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia


Multiple pregnancy

Comparison between traditional model and novel fetoscopic surgical simulator in training for laser placental dichorionization (OP15.03)

T. Wataganara1, W. Chumthup2, S. Viboonchart1

1Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand; 2Medical Education Technology Center, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand


Ovarian pathology

Inter-observer agreement in describing adnexal masses using the International Ovarian Tumour Analysis (IOTA) terms and definitions (OP29.02)

P. Sladkevicius, L. Valentin

Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden


Aneuploidy & fetal anomalies - first trimester

Contingent testing, an alternative for regions lacking first trimester screening for Down's syndrome (OP23.02)

P. Conner1, A. Marsk2, H. Almström2, M. Kublickas1

1Obstetrics & Gynecology, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden; 2Ultragyn, Danderyds Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden


Fetal heart

Abnormal first trimester tricuspid or ductus venosus flow in prenatal diagnosis of congential cardiac defects (OP12.08)

D. Nielsen1, C. K. Ekelund1, O. B. Petersen2, A. Tabor1

1Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark; 2Aarhus University Hospital Skejby, Aarhus, Denmark


Technologies in Obstetrics & Gynecology

Comparison of ultrasound and MRI parameters in predicting survival in isloated left-sided congential diaphragmatic hernia (CDH): what works best? (OP26.02)

M. Bebbington2,1, T. Victoria1, E. Danzer1, J. Moldenhauer1, N. Khalek1, M. P. Johnson1, H. Hedrick1, N. Adzick1

1Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 2Texas Fetal Center, University of Texas Houston, Houston, TX, USA


Aneuploidy & fetal anomalies - second trimester

Antenatal detection of facial clefts: is the FASP target achievable? (OP28.06)

G. Abou El Senoun3, E. S. Draper2, L. Berry2, J. Budd2, H. Mousa1

1Fetal Medicine Unit, Leicester Royal Infirmary, University Department Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Leicester, United Kingdom; 2Health Sciences, University of Leicester, East

Midlands & South Yorkshire Congenital Anomaly Register, Leicester, United Kingdom; 3Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Chesterfield Hospital NHS Trust, Chesterfield, United Kingdom


Fetal growth & surveillance

The effect of maternal vitamin D concentration on fetal bone (OP33.09)

C. Ioannou1, M. K. Javaid2, P. Mahon3, M. Yaqub4, J. A. Noble4, N. C. Harvey3, K. M. Godfrey3, C. Cooper3, A. T. Papageorghiou1,5

1Nuffield Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; 2Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; 3MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit,

University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom; 4Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; 5Oxford Maternal and Perinatal

Health Institute, Green Templeton College, University of

Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
