24th World Congress, 14th - 17th September 2014, Barcelona, Spain
Congratulations to all our award winners who were acknowledged during the 23rd World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Barcelona.

Top abstract winner
Differences in term brain cortical development and metabolism assessed by magnetic resonance in fetuses with major congenital heart defects (OC01.04).
N. Masoller1, M. Sanz-Cortes1, F. Crispi1, O. Gómez1, M. Bennasar1, G. Egaña-Ugrinovic1, N Bargallo2, J M Martinez1, E. Gratacós1 |
1Barcelona Center for Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; 2Department of Radiology, Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. |
Young investigator award winner - Obstetrics
High resistance uterine artery indices in the first trimester predispose to increased trophoblast apoptosis, altered oxygen signalling and antioxidant defenses (OC01.01) |
K. Leslie1, 2, R. Dechend3, GS. Whitley1, J.E. Cartwright1, B.Thilaganathan2 |
1Cardiovascular research, St George's University, London, United Kingdom; 2Fetal Medicine Unit, St George's Hospital, London, United Kingdom; 3Experimental and Clinical Research Center, Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany. |
Young investigator winner - Gynecology
Agreement of 2D and 3D ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of rectosigmoid infiltration in primary or recurrent ovarian cancer (OC06.04) |
V. Chiappa1, M. Zikan2, R. Kocian2, F. Frühauf2, A. Dueckelmann3, P. Dundr4, D. Cibula2, D. Fischerová2 |
1Obstetrics and Gynecology, San Gerardo Hospital, Monza, Italy; 2 Gynecological Oncology Centre, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic; 3 Gynecology, Charité University Hospital, Campus Benjamin Frank, Berlin, Germany; 4 Pathology, First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. |
Best Oral Communications
The following oral communications were each selected as the best in their subject area. Selection was according to a combination of anonymous peer-review in advance of the Congress and scores for presentation and/or scientific merit allocated on-site by a panel of judges.
Aneuploidy and fetal anomalies - first trimester
Fetal cardiac axis and congenital heart defects in early gestation: multicenter case-control study (OC04.07) |
E. Sinkovskaya1, R. Chaoui2, K. Karl3, 2, E. Andreeva4, L. Zhuchenko4, A. Abuhamad1 |
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA, United States; 2Prenatal Diagnosis Center, Berlin, Germany; 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany; 4Moscow Regional Research Scientific Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Aneuploidy and fetal anomalies - second trimester
Antenatal ultrasound prediction of postnatal renal function in congenital lower urinary tract obstruction (OC21.01) |
F. Fontanella1, M. Pace1, L. Duin1, V. Gracchi2, E. Pajkrt3, C.M. Bilardo1 |
1 Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine, University Medical Centre , Groningen, Netherlands; 2 Pediatric Nefrology, University Medical Centre , Groningen, Netherlands; 3 Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Fetal echocardiography, CHD and cardiac function
Cardiac function in early childhood in relation to angiogenic factors in cord blood in fetal growth restriction (OC08.05) |
E. Llurba1, 2, Q. Ferrer1, 2, J. Candel1, 2, A. Ruiz1, 2, M.D.Gómez Roig3, 2, E. Carreras1, 2 |
1 Obstetrics Gynecology, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain; 2 Maternal and Child Health and Development Network (SAMID) RD RD12/0026, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Barcelona, Spain; 3Hospital Sant Joan de Deu de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. |
Fetal interventions
Single intrauterine fetal demise after laser therapy for twin-to-twin- transfusion syndrome: room for improvement? (OC26.04) |
S. Eschbach, L. Boons, A.M. Middeldorp, F.J. Klumper, E. Lopriore, D. Oepkes, M.C. Haak |
LUMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Fetal neurology and CNS anomalies
Predicting symptomatic neonatal CMV infection in infected fetuses without brain anomalies at the time of prenatal diagnosis (OC15.03) |
J. Stirnemann, M. Leruez-Ville, Y. Sellier, Yves Ville |
Obstetrics and Maternal Fetal Medicine, Hopital Necker Enfants Malades, AP-HP, Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France. |
Imaging technology including MRI
Minimally invasive fetal autopsy using ultrasound: a feasibility study (OC18.05) |
C. Votino1, B. Bessieres2, V. Segers3, H. Kadhim4, F. Razavi2, M. Condorelli1, R.Votino1, V. D'ambrosio1, T. Cos1 |
1Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospital Brugmann, Brussels, Belgium; 2. Départment de Génétique Histologie-Embryologie-Cytogénétique, Hopital Necker Enfant Malade AP-HP, Paris, France; 3 Foetopathology, Brugmann University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium; 4. Neuropathology, Brugmann University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium. |
Maternal and fetal Doppler including fetal growth
The role of angiogenic factors for first trimester screening of fetal growth restriction (OC10.04) |
F. Crovetto1, 2, S. Triunfo1, 3, F. Crispi1, V. Rodriguez-Sureda4, C. Dominguez4, E. Gratacos1, F. Figueras1 |
1Barcelona Center of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Barcelona, Spain; 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Milan, Italy; 3 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rome, Italy; 4Department of Molecular Biology, Barcelona, Spain. |
Multiple pregnancy
Cervical pessary to prevent preterm birth in twin pregnancies with a short cervix: RCT (PECEP-twins) (OC23.01) |
M.M. Goya1, C. Rodo1, M. De la Calle2, L. Pratcorona1, C. Merced1, E. Llurba1, T. Higueras Sanz1, B. Muñoz3, M. Juan4, A. Serrano5, E. Carreras1 |
1Obstetrics- Fetal Medicine, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital , Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain; 2 Obstetrics, Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain; 3 Obstetrics, Hospital Sant Joan, Reus, Spain; 4 Obstetrics, Hospital Son Llàtzer, Palma de Mallorca, Spain; 5 Obstetrics, Institut Universitari Dexeus, Barcelona, Spain. |
Role of ultrasound in patient safety
B-flow technique in the assessment of ductus venosus flow (OC14.02) |
M. Hynek, D. Smetanova, D. Stejskal |
Fetal Medicine, GENNET, Prague, Czech Republic. |
Ultrasound in term and preterm labour
Comparison of pain score between translabial ultrasound and digital vaginal examination during active labour (OC07.05) |
Y. Chan, W. Lau, T.K. Lo, W. Leung |
Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Kwong Wah Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, Hong Kong. |
Abnormal uterine bleeding and fibroids
Differences between proximal and distal endometrial echo thickness in Ostmenopausal women undergoing saline infusion sonohysterography [SIS] (OC13.03)
O. Rotenberg, G. Doulaveris, J. Gebb, M. Renz, P. Dar
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, AECOM, Berkeley Heights, NJ, USA
Early pregnancy complications
Ultrasonographic factors predicting a poor outcome in pregnancies between 8 and 10+6 week’s gestation (OC19.04)
C. Votino1, M. Guizani1, D. Gayraud2, M. Condorelli1, R. Votino1, A. Votino1, F. Gubana1, T. Cos1
1Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Brugmann, Brussels, Belgium; 2Science and Statistic, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Imaging in oncology
Subjective ultrasound assessment and ultrasound-guided tru-cut biopsy to differentiate primary ovarian cancer from metastatic non-ovarian cancer (OC06.02)
E. Epstein, S. Nikman
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
Managing ovarian masses
Ultrasound diagnosis of serous surface papillary borderline ovarian tumor: a case series (OC03.07)
M. Ludovisi1, 2, X. Foo1, S. Mainenti1,2, A.C. Testa2, R. Arora3, D. Jurkovic1
1Gynecology Diagnostic and Treatment Unit, University College Hospital, London, United Kingdom; 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy; 3Department of Histopathology, University College Hospital, London, United Kingdom
Pelvic pain and endometriosis
Magnetic resonance enema versus rectal water contrast transvaginal ultrasonography in the diagnosis of rectosigmoid endometriosis (OC16.01)
S. Ferrero1, U. Leone Roberti Maggiore1, E. Tafi1, C. Scala1, P.L. Venturini1, E. Biscaldi2, V. Remorgida1
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, San Martino Hospital and University of Genoa, Genova, Italy; 2Department of Radiology, Galliera Hospital, Genova, Italy
Reproductive medicine
Do the different PCOS criteria predict pregnancy and neonatal outcome? (OC22.08)
M. Kollmann1, F. G¨ unther1, V. Schneider1, H. Sereina4, W.P. Martins2, N. Raine-Fenning3, P. Klaritsch1
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria; 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical School of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil; 3Division of Child Health, Obstetrics & Gynecology, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom; 4Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation (IMI), Medical University of Graz, Graz,
Best Short Oral Presentations (oral posters)
The following short oral presentations were each selected as the best in their subject area. Selection was according to a combination of anonymous peer-review in advance of the Congress and scores for presentation and/or scientific merit allocated on-site by a panel of judges.
Aneuploidy and fetal anomalies - first trimester
A potential role of circulating LHCGR forms for the prediction of pre-eclampsia in the first trimester of pregnancy (OP03.01)
F. Crovetto1,2, F. Figueras1, F. Crispi1, S. Triunfo1,3, M. Pugia4, L. Lasalvia4, A. Chambers5, W. Mills5, S. Banerjee5, I. Mercade6, E. Casals6, E. Gratacós1
1Barcelona Center of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Barcelona, Spain; 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Milan, Italy; 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rome, Italy; 4Department of Strategic Innovation, Munich, Germany; 5Origin Biomarkers,
Lanarkshire, United Kingdom; 6Bioqu´ımica i Gen`etica Molecular, Barcelona, Spain
Aneuploidy and fetal anomalies - second trimester
Prenatal diagnosis of intra-abdominal cystic lesions: accuracy of fetal ultrasonography (OP28.07)
G. Marchitelli1, J. Stirnemann1, V. Rousseau2, M. Acanfora1, L.J. Salomon1, Y. Ville1
1Maternit´e, Hopital Necker Enfants Malades, AP-HP, Universit´e Paris Descartes, Paris, France; 2Chirurgie P´ediatrique, Hopital Necker Enfants Malades, AP-HP, Universit´e Paris Descartes, Paris, France
Fetal echocardiography, CHD and cardiac function
Presence or absence of anterograde flow of Ebstein anomaly can be estimated with peak flow velocity of tricuspid valve regurgitation (OP01.08)
T. Tanaka, N. Kanagawa, N. Inamura, Y. Kawazu
Pediatric, Osaka Medical Center and Research Institute for Maternal and Child Health, Izumi, Japan
Fetal interventions
Fetal aortic valvuloplasty: investigating institutional bias in multicenter contributions to studies (OP34.01)
H. Gardiner1, 2, A. Kovacevic4, 3, M. Mellander5, A. Ohman6, M. Roughton9, 3, J.H. Dangel8, R. Mair7, A. Magee3, O. Ghez3, G. Tulzer7
1Texas Fetal Center, University of Texas School of Medicine at Houston, Houston, TX, USA; 2Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom; 3Pediatric Cardiology and Surgery, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, United Kingdom; 4Pediatric Cardiology, Heinrich Heine University, Duesseldorf, Germany; 5Pediatric Cardiology, Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; 6Pediatric Cardiology,
Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden; 7Pediatric Cardiology and Surgery, Children’s Heart Center, Linz, Austria; 8Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical
University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; 9Medical statistics, Royal College of Physicians, London, United Kingdom
Fetal neurosonography and CNS anomalies
Prenatal diagnosis and postnatal outcome of Blake pouch cyst: a prospective multicentre study (OP19.03)
K. Yusupov1, 2, E. Nedopekina3, M. Esetov4, I. Rjabov2, G. Bekeladze5
1ICDC, Kazan, Russian Federation; 2Medical State Academy, Kazan, Russian Federation; 3Medexpert, Kazan, Russian Federation; 4Dagestan State Nedical Academy, Mahachkala,
Russian Federation; 5Republic Medical Genetic Center, Mahachkala, Russian Federation
Imaging technology including MRI
The effect of e-learning on the quality of cervical length measurements (OP23.03)
M.A. van Os1, J. van der Ven2, P. Bloemendaal3, E. Pajkrt2, C.J. De Groot1, B.J. Mol4, M.C. Haak5
1Obstetrics and Gynecology, VU Medical Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Obstetrics and Gynecology, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands; 3Department of Surgery and Education, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands; 4Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Robinson Institute, School
of Pediatrics and Reproductive Health, Adelaide, SA, Australia; 5Obstetrics and Gynecology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
Maternal and fetal Doppler including fetal growth
Fetal cardiovascular programming in growth restricted 6 month-old infants with and without catch-up growth (OP21.02)
M. Cruz-Lemini, B. Valenzuela-Alcaraz, F. Crispi, F. Figueras, E. Gratacós
BCNatal - Barcelona Center for Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine (Hospital Cl´ınic and Hospital Sant Joan de Deu), Institut d’Investigacions Biom`ediques August Pi i Sunyer,
Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Multiple pregnancy
Perinatal outcome after laser treatment for twin–twin transfusion syndrome in triplet pregnancies: a systematic review and meta-analysis
F. D’Antonio, A. Khalil, A. Bhide, B. Thilaganathan
Fetal Medicine Unit, Department of Obstetrics, St George’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom
Role of ultrasound in patient safety
Birthweight and estimated fetal weight discordance and neonatal morbidity in twins: the STORK multiple pregnancy cohort (OP21.10)
A. Khalil, F. D’Antonio, M. Warren, T. D. Dias, B. Thilaganathan.
Fetal Medicine Unit, St George’s Hospital, University of London, London, United Kingdom
Asma Khalil (United Kingdom)
Role of ultrasound in patient safety
Ultrasound (US) predictors of placental invasion: the placenta accreta index (OP17.10)
M. Rac1, J.S. Dashe1, E. Wells1, E. Moschos1, D.D. McIntire1, D.M. Twickler2, 1
1Obstetrics & Gynecology, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX, USA; 2Radiology, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX, USA
Ultrasound in term and preterm labour
Quantitative ultrasound texture analysis of fetal lungs to predict neonatal respiratory morbidity (OP02.11)
E. Bonet-Carne1, M. Palacio2, 3, T. Cobo2, 3, A. Perez-Moreno1, M. Lopez2, J. Piraquive2, J. RAmirez2, F. Marques4, E. Gratacós2, 3
1Transmural Biotech S.L., Barcelona, Spain; 2Department of Maternal-Fetal Medicine - ICGON, Hospital Clinic of Barcelona - University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; 3Fetal and Perinatal Medicine Research Group, IDIBAPS and CIBERER, Barcelona, Spain; 4Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTECH, Barcelona, Spain
Abnormal uterine bleeding and fibroids
Reproducibility of 3D-transvaginal sonography by VCI analysis to differentiate endometrial polyp and hyperplasia in pre-menopausal women (OP16.01)
F. Leone, F. Parisi, C. Marciante, A. Crepaldi, C. Lanzani, S. de Meo, I. Cetin
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, DSC L. Sacco, Milan, Italy
Early pregnancy complications
Should women with a previous ectopic pregnancy be allowed to self- refer? (OP24.09)
M. Islam1, S. Woldman2, S. Merritt3, A. Weaver1, J. Hamilton1
1Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; 2Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; 3Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom
Imaging in oncology
The association of changes in cervical cancerechogenicity and vascularization with treatment effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (OP09.06)
F. Frühauf1, A. Dueckelmann2, D. Fischerová1, M. Zikan1, I. Pinkavova1, L. Dusek3, P. Dundr4, D. Cibula1
1Gynecological Oncology Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic; 2Department of Gynecology, Charité University Hospital, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany; 3Institute for Biostatistics and Analyses, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University in Brno, Brno, Czech Republic; 4Department of Pathology, First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Managing ovarian masses
Prevalence of various ultrasonographic findings in cases of ovarian torsion (OP04.04)
P. Sladkevicius, S. Saghir, L. Valentin
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden
Pelvic pain and endometriosis
Bladder endometriosis: songraphic features useful for surgical treatment (OP20.03)
C. Exacoustos1, G. De Felice2, A. Di Giovanni3, L. Lazzeri2, M. Malzoni3, F. Petraglia2, E. Zupi2
1Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, University of Rome ‘‘Tor Vergata’’, Rome, Italy; 2Department of Molecular and Developmental Medicine, University of Siena, Siena, Italy; 3Advanced Gynecological Endoscopy Center, Malzoni Medical Center, Avellino, Italy
Reproductive medicine
Does morphology of uterine septum have an impact on reproductive outcome? An observational study on 180 septate uteri evaluated with 3D TVS (OP31.01)
V. Romeo1, I. Cobuzzi 2,4, E. Valli1, F. Baiocco4, M. Romanini4, E. Zupi3, C. Exacoustos1
1Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, University of Rome ‘‘Tor Vergata’’, Rome, Italy; 2Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Bari, Bari, Italy; 3Department of Molecular and Developmental Medicine, University of Siena, Siena, Italy; 4Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ospedale S. Giovanni Calibita Fatebenefratelli, Rome, Italy
Can pelvic floor trauma be predicted antenatally? (OP14.01)
J. Caudwell-Hall1, I. Kamisan Atan1, A. Martin2, R.A. Guzman Rojas1, S.E. Langer1, C. Shek3, H.P. Dietz1
1Obstetrics & Gynecology, Sydney Medical School Nepean, Penrith, NSW, Australia; 2NHMRC Clinical Trials Center, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 3University of Western Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia