28th World Congress, 20th to 24th October, Singapore.
Congratulations to all the award winners who were acknowledged during our 28th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Singapore. You can read the winning abstracts below.

Award winners
Top abstract winner
A multicentre trial on the performance of a two-step triage protocol based on initial serum progesterone and serial hCG used to manage pregnancies of unknown location (PUL) (OC01.04)
Presented by S. Bobdiwala, United Kingdom
Young investigator award winner - Obstetrics
The impact of additional anomalies on head growth in fetuses with congenital heart defects (OC13.07)
Presented by A. van Nisselrooij, Netherlands
Young investigator award winner - Gynecology
Deep endometriosis assessment on ultrasound and MRI as defined by international deep endometriosis analysis (IDEA) group (diagnostic accuracy study) (OC15.02)
Presented by F. Fruhauf, Czech Republic
Best Oral Communications
The following oral communications were each selected as the best in their subject area. Selection was according to a combination of anonymous peer-review in advance of the Congress and scores for presentation and/or scientific merit allocated on-site by a panel of judges.
Abnormally invasive placenta (inc accreta)
Outcome analysis in 133 cases of surgery confirmed cases of abnormally invasive placenta (AIP): do ultrasound descriptors of AIP predict prognosis? (OC09.01)
Presented by J. Shih, Taiwan (click here to view the abstract)
Fetal heart, CHD and cardiac functions
The impact of additional anomalies on head growth in fetuses with congenital heart defects (OC13.07)
Presented by A. van Nisselrooij, Netherlands (click here to view the abstract)
Fetal brain and CNS anomalies
Brainstem malformations in severe fetal ventriculomegaly (OC21.02)
Presented by K.K. Haratz, Israel (click here to view the abstract)
Fetal growth: normal and abnormal
Increasing fetal growth velocity increases the risk of shoulder dystocia among non-macrosomic foetuses (OC17.05)
Presented by T.M. MacDonald, Australia (click here to view the abstract)
Fetal interventions
Comparison of fetal outcome in lower urinary tract obstruction treated with the Harrison® vs. Somatex® vesicoamniotic shunt < 17+0 weeks (OC14.05)
Presented by A. Geipel, Germany (click here to view the abstract)
Fetal structural abnormalities
Neonatal outcome and long-term sequelae in CMV infected neonates according to the timing of primary maternal infection (OC27.01)
Presented by J. Stirneman, France (click here to view the abstract)
First trimester screen of chromosomal anomalies (inc cell free DNA and genomics)
Pregnancies at increased risk at first trimester screening: is searching for trisomies enough? Experiences from the Swedish Pregnancy Register (OC02.02)
Presented by P. Conner, Sweden (click here to view the abstract)
Risk of miscarriage in women conceiving after medically-assisted reproduction (MAR) with an ultrasound verified live pregnancy at gestational week 7 (OC02.07)
Presented by A. Tabor, Denmark (click here to view the abstract)
Multiple pregnancy
A double-blind placebo controlled randomised trial on using progesterone from first trimester to reduce the incidence of preterm birth in ICSI twins (OC07.02)
Presented by M. Aboulghar, Egypt (click here to view the abstract)
Safety, education, simulation and other innovations
Developing a SIMULINK mathematical model to simulate the fetal cardiovascular system (CVS) (OC05.04)
Presented by H. Avnet, Australia (click here to view the abstract)
Screening for pregnancy complications (stillbirth, preterm birth, pre-eclampsia)
Complement biomarker C5b-9 is associated with abnormal umbilical and MCA artery Doppler in hypertensive disease in pregnancy < 34 wk: the COPA study (OC10.06)
Presented by J.E. Tolosa, USA (click here to view the abstract)
Ultrasound in the labour ward
Macrosomia: a self-fulfilling prophecy (OC16.06)
Presented by S. Yagel, Israel (click here to view the abstract)
Bleeding, endometrial and myometrial pathology
An ultrasound-based algorithm to determine the likelihood of various causes of abnormal uterine bleeding: a proposal by the IETA group (OC12.03)
Presented by L. Wynants, Belgium (click here to view the abstract)
Validation of objective measurements to predict myometrial or cervical stromal invasion and prediction models to predict high risk endometrial cancer (OC12.06)
Presented by E. Epstein, Sweden (click here to view the abstract)
Early pregnancy complications
Evaluating cut-off values for progesterone, single hCG and hCG ratio to define pregnancy viability and location in women with a pregnancy of unknown location (PUL) (OC19.05)
Presented by S. Bobdiwala, United Kingdom (click here to view the abstract)
Imaging in oncology
Subjective and objective strategies to assess myometrial invasion and cervical stromal invasion in women with endometrial cancer from the IETA cohort (OC08.03)
Presented by F. Mascilini, Italy (click here to view the abstract)
Managing ovarian masses
External validation of IOTA three-step strategy for assessment of adnexal masses (OC04.01)
Presented by J. Alcazar, Spain (click here to view the abstract)
Pelvic pain and endometriosis
External validation of the ultrasound based endometriosis scoring system (UBESS) (OC15.01)
Presented by M. Espada (Australia) (click here to view the abstract)
Reproductive medicine
Who is at risk of endometrial cavity breach at laparoscopic myomectomy? (OC22.01)
Presented by K. Rajah, United Kingdom (click here to view the abstract)
Fetal head engagement is associated with larger pelvic hiatal dimensions in nulliparous women at term (OC25.02)
Presented by E. Montaguti, Italy (click here to view the abstract)
Best Short Oral Presentations (oral posters)
The following short oral presentations were each selected as the best in their subject area. Selection was according to a combination of anonymous peer-review in advance of the Congress and scores for presentation and/or scientific merit allocated on-site by a panel of judges.
Abnormally invasive placenta (inc accreta)
Identification of arterial pulse waves by color Doppler flow within the bladder wall interface predicts placenta percreta: A case series (OP05.04)
Presented by K. Patel, USA (click here to view the abstract)
Management of the morbidly adherent placenta praevia with internal iliac arteries temporary balloon occlusion and Caesarean hysterectomy (OP05.07)
Presented by A.E. Zimmer, Poland (click here to view the abstract)
Fetal heart, CHD and cardiac functions
Comprehensive analysis of the four-chamber view identifies 100% of fetuses with coarctation of the aorta (OP10.06)
Presented by G.R. DeVore, USA (click here to view the abstract)
Fetal brain and CNS anomalies
Subependymal pseudocyst in the fetal brain: prenatal diagnosis and outcomes (OP06.09)
Presented by O. Picone, France (click here to view the abstract)
Fetal growth: normal and abnormal
Postnatal growth in children born SGA; is intrauterine smoking exposure a determinant factor? (OP14.06)
Presented by L. Lindström, Sweden (click here to view the abstract)
Fetal interventions
Exchangeable modular patient-matched models for fetoscopic myelomeningocele repair (OP11.08)
Presented by A.A. Baschat, USA (click here to view the abstract)
Fetal structural abnormalities
Evaluating variability in antenatal sonographic prognostication of congenital diaphragmatic hernia across the North American Fetal Therapy Network (OP18.05)
Presented by N. Abbasi, Canada (click here to view the abstract)
Prenatal genetic screening and neonatal outcomes in fetuses with echogenic intra-abdominal structures (OP23.10)
Presented by E. Lee, USA (click here to view the abstract)
First trimester screen of chromosomal anomalies (inc cell free DNA and genomics)
Prevalence of chromosome abnormalities and uptake of further testing after positive combined first-trimester screening in Chinese women: a retrospective cohort study (OP01.04)
Presented by K. Leung, Hong Kong (click here to view the abstract)
Multiple pregnancy
Perinatal outcome of monochorionic twins with sIUGR according to the umbilical artery Doppler flow pattern: a prospective cohort study (OP15.05)
Presented by L. Batsry, Israel (click here to view the abstract)
Early and late selective fetal growth restriction in monochorionic twin pregnancies: natural history and diagnostic criteria (OP15.10)
Presented by A. Khalil, United Kingdom (click here to view the abstract)
Safety, education, simulation and other innovations
Improving surface cleanliness of patient ready ultrasound equipment (OP04.01)
Presented by S.C. Westerway, Australia (click here to view the abstract)
Screening for pregnancy complications (stillbirth, preterm birth, pre-eclampsia)
The cervical sliding sign: a new ultrasound tool in the assessment of threatened preterm labor OP09.04
Presented by A. Dall’Asta, Italy (click here to view the abstract)
Added value of chromosomal microarray analysis above conventional karyotyping in stillbirth work-up: systematic review and meta-analysis (OP21.11)
Presented by R.J. Martinez-Portilla, Spain (click here to view the abstract)
Ultrasound in the labour ward
Transabdominal and transperineal intrapartum ultrasound and mode of delivery in prolonged second stage of labor (OP13.11)
Presented by A. Dall’Asta, Italy (click here to view the abstract)
Early pregnancy complications
Sonographic characteristics of post-molar gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) at diagnosis and during follow-up (OP16.03)
Presented by E. Epstein, Sweden (click here to view the abstract)
Imaging in oncology
Clinical and ultrasound characteristics of malignant ovarian masses in pregnant women (OP08.04)
Presented by F. Mascilini, Italy (click here to view the abstract)
Managing ovarian masses
Evaluating risk of malignancy in adnexal masses with ultrasound: a retrospective diagnostic accuracy study (OP03.04)
Presented by H. Reina, Switzerland (click here to view the abstract)
Pelvic pain and endometriosis
Deep endometriosis prevalence in the absence of ovarian endometrioma (OP12.02)
Presented by M. Leonardi, Australia (click here to view the abstract)
Translabial ultrasound for the diagnosis of urethral diverticula (OP20.03)
Presented by J. Caudwell-Hall, Australia (click here to view the abstract)