32nd World Congress, 16-18 September 2022, London, UK and online
Congratulations to all the award winners who were acknowledged during our ISUOG World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. You can read the winning abstracts below.

Award winners
Top abstract winner
Effects of a Mediterranean diet or a stress reduction intervention during pregnancy on the incidence of early-late pre-eclampsia: the IMPACT-BCN trial (OC14.03), Presented by F. Crovetto, Spain
Young investigator award winner - Obstetrics
Pregnancy outcome following fetal reduction of trichorionic triamniotic triplets: a national Danish register-based study from 2008 to 2018 (OC13.06)
Presented by S.E. Kristensen, Denmark
Young investigator winner - Gynecology
Updating and improving the M6 pregnancy of unknown location risk prediction model with clinical variables (OC08.06)
Presented by C. Kyriacou, United Kingdom
Can online search engine patterns predict gynecological cancer diagnoses? (OC11.03) Presented by J. Barcroft, United Kingdom
Ian Donald Gold Medal winner: Prof. Eduard Gratacós
Stuart Campbell Award winner: Prof. Dirk Timmerman
Best Oral Communications
The following oral communications were each selected as the best in their subject area. Selection was according to a combination of anonymous peer-review in advance of the Congress and scores for presentation and/or scientific merit allocated on-site by a panel of judges.
OC01.10: Short-term fetal cardiovascular adaptation to an artificial placenta in sheep - Fatima Crispi (click here to view the abstract)
Managing ovarian masses
OC03.01: Validation of ovarian-adnexal reporting and data system using input from the O-RADS lexicon and the ADNEX model - Stefan Timmerman (click here to view the abstract)
OC05.05: Development of deep learning model to estimate gestational age in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy: a prospective cohort study in North India - Bapu Desiraju (click here to view the abstract)
Fetal disease, structural abnormalities and developments in screening for chromosomal anomalies
OC07.03: Prenatal detection of distal fistulas in fetuses diagnosed with esophageal atresia - Eran Kassif (click here to view the abstract)
Managing early pregnancy complications
OC08.06: *Updating and improving the M6 pregnancy of unknown location risk prediction model with clinical variables - Christopher Kyriacou (click here to view the abstract)
Updates on artificial placenta development, spina bifida repair and other advances in the field
OC09.01: Setting up of an artificial placenta experimental system in fetal sheep: critical issues for successful transition and short-term survival - Elisenda Eixarch (click here to view the abstract)
Bleeding, endometrial and myometrial pathology
OC10.02: Development of a core outcome set for studies on uterus sparing treatments of adenomyosis (COSAR): an international consensus study - Tina Tellum (click here to view the abstract)
Imaging in oncology
OC11.06: The morphonode predictive model: preoperative risk rating of groin lymph node metastasis in vulvar cancer patients - Simona Fragomeni
(click here to view the abstract)
Fetal brain and CNS anomalies
OC12.02: AI-assisted Sylvian fissure angle quantification in standardised reconstructed anterior coronal planes for assessment of fetal cortex maturation - Amrei Welp (click here to view the abstract)
Management of twin pregnancies and therapy of monochorionic pregnancies
OC13.06: Pregnancy outcome following fetal reduction of trichorionic triamniotic triplets: a national Danish register-based study from 2008 to 2018 - Steffen Kristensen (click here to view the abstract)