ISUOG conveys several awards to worthy recipients through different channels. The Board agreed in Vienna, 2017, to appoint an Honours Committee to oversee the decisions for all awards, to recommend on amendments to current process or to suggest new awards, and thereafter to ensure the appropriate processes for recognition of all award recipients. 

Committee Chair

Executive Committee, Honours Committee, Nominations Committee, Fetal MRI Special Interest Group, UOG Editorial Board

Prof. Laurent Salomon is a senior consultant in the Department of Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine at Necker-Enfants-Malades Hospital and full professor at Paris Descartes University. His special interests are imaging technologies including MRI, Twins, Fetal surgery, Statistics, Teaching processes and Quality control. Laurent completed a PhD in Physics with distinction (Paris XI Sud, Science University – Orsay), applied to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the placenta.  He also completed a MSc in Medical Statistic with distinction at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).

Laurent is an associate director of a Master Degree in Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Medicine at Paris Descartes University. He is on the Editorial Board of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology and involved in many committees and task forces of ISUOG. Laurent also serves on a regular basis as an expert for the National Agency for Biomedicine, French Health Authority and National Security Agency in Health Products, as well as for international research projects. 

Country: France

Field: Obstetrics; Imaging; Fetal Medicine

Specialties: Fetal anomaly screening T1 & T2; fetal biometry and wellbeing; aneuploidies; fetal anomalies; fetal growth restriction; maternal and fetal Doppler; fetal interventional procedures; multiple pregnancy

Languages: English; French

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Committee Members

Maya Al-Memar is a Consultant Gynaecologist at Imperial College NHS Healthcare Trust, with specialist clinical interests in complex benign gynaecology, acute diagnostic services including early pregnancy and acute gynaecology, rapid access for suspected gynaecological cancer, and paediatric & adolescent gynaecology. She completed her training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in North-West London including specialty training at Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, and St Mary’s Hospital. Having worked in the largest gynaecology & reproductive medicine service in London at Imperial, she has experience in managing complex patients. Her focus is to provide the best possible care for women using high quality diagnostics ultrasound skills to streamline care. She graduated from Imperial College School of Medicine with first class honours in 2007, where she also completed her PhD and is now an honorary clinical lecturer. She is widely published in peer-reviewed journals. She currently has on-going research projects in the fields of early pregnancy, miscarriage, ovarian cysts and use of ultrasound to improve diagnosis of ovarian masses.

Country: UK

Field: Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Specialties: Early pregnancy and gynaecology imaging, adnexal masses, paediatric and adolescent gynaecology

Languages: English, Arabic


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Ian Donald Gold Medal Sub-Committee Chair; Honours Committee member

Professor Stuart Campbell is a pioneer of Ultrasound Diagnosis in medicine. He as introduced many new techniques such as the routine pregnancy scan, the early diagnosis of fetal abnormalities, the assessment of fetal growth and wellbeing and ultrasound screening for ovarian cancer. He holds numerous international honours and has recently introduced 3D scanning to the UK and set up the first 4D Ultrasound Clinic. He has also pioneered the screening for pre-eclampsia by uterine artery Doppler.

1992 Gold Medal Award article

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Scientific Committee, Honours Committee, UOG Editorial Board

Prof. Fabricio da Silva Costa (MD, PhD, FRANZCOG, DDU, COGU, Diploma in Fetal Medicine, FMF-London, UK) graduated in medicine in 1995. He was awarded a PhD in 2001 from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil for Doppler studies in the prediction of pre-eclampsia. In 2009, Prof. Costa moved to Australia and worked at the Royal Women’s Hospital (University of Melbourne Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology) for 7 years, where he became Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Melbourne.

Later, he was the Medical Director of Monash Ultrasound for Women, Adj. Associate Professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash University and Head of Perinatal Services at the Monash Medical Centre in Melbourne before relocating back to Brazil in mid-2018 as the Head of the Ultrasound Service, Dapartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ribeirao Preoto, Medical School, University of Sao Paulo. Currently, he is the Acting Director, Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Gold Coast University Hospital and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

Prof. Costa’s clinical and research interests focus on the use of ultrasound in maternal-fetal medicine, especially pre-eclampsia, fetal growth restriction and preterm labour. In addition, he has special interest in first trimester screening, including non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). He also supervises trainees and post-graduate students on ultrasound in gynaecology.”

Country: Australia

Field: Obstetrics and Reproduction

Specialities: Fetal Anomaly Screening T1 & T2; Aneuploidy; Fetal Anomalies; Maternal and Fetal Doppler; Fetal Growth Restriction; Preeclampsia; Preterm Delivery; 1st trimester screening including NIPT and Pre-Eclampsia; Ultrasound in reproduction

Languages: English, Portuguese
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Honours Committee, Nominations Committee

Dr Fatima Crispi is a physician scientist, consultant and professor in Maternal Fetal Medicine at BCNatal, University of Barcelona, with a strong focus on fetal cardiology. She has spent stays abroad (i.e. Harris Birthright Research Center with Kypros Nicolaides and St. Georges Hospital London with George Sutherland) and developed a PhD, directed by Eduard Gratacós, that first demonstrated postnatal persistence of in utero cardiac remodelling after fetal growth restriction. She has pioneered research on Fetal Cardiac Programming, establishing fetal cardiac function standards, developing animal and in silico models of placental disease, applying -omics in preeclampsia, implementing artificial intelligence tools and exploring the link between fetal and adult cardiac disease. She established a unique clinic on fetal cardiac function incorporating new imaging tools for assessing the fetal heart. She is fully committed to education having directed 17 PhDs and leading a Postgraduate degree on Fetal Cardiology at the University of Barcelona.

She has been involved with ISUOG for almost 20 years, with numerous scientific communications and invited participations to ISUOG congresses and educational activities and contributions to the Fetal Heart Special Interest Group.

Country: Spain

Field: Obstetrics; Imaging; Fetal Medicine

Specialties: fetal cardiology; fetal biometry and wellbeing; preeclampsia; fetal growth restriction; maternal and fetal Doppler; echocardiography; congenital heart disease; cardiac function

Languages: English, Spanish, Catalan

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Prof. Thierry Van den Bosch defended his PhD in 2007 on the diagnosis of endometrial disease. His clinical research focuses on the diagnosis of endometrial and myometrial pathology, endometriosis and fertility exploration. He has published over 150 papers and has been over 100 times invited speaker at international conferences in English, Dutch and French.

He completed his residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the KU Leuven (Belgium) and at the University of Pretoria (South Africa). In 1992 he was appointed consultant at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Unit of Gynecologic Oncology, of the University of Stellenbosch and Tygerberg Hospital (South-Africa). In 1994 he moved back to Belgium. He worked as gynecologist at the Regional Hospital RZ Tienen, consultant UZ Leuven and KU Leuven and became the Head of department in RZ Tienen.

He currently works at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital UZ Leuven, at the Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven, and is Senior Clinical Investigator of the Scientific Research Fund (FWO) Flanders, Belgium. 

Notable Publications

Country: Belgium

Field: Gynecology

Specialties: Gynecological ultrasound

Languages: English; French; Dutch

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Secretariat Liaison 

