Read the latest ISUOG resources on COVID-19 translated into Polish, including key messages from our webinar series on COVID-19 both in video and PowerPoints format, latest research and guidance from our journal and the updated Patient information leaflet on COVID-19 and pregnancy.

Research and Journal

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ISUOG Interim Guidance on 2019 novel coronavirus infection during pregnancy and puerperium: information for the healthcare professional - Polish

Interim Guidance Key note Polish.png

ISUOG Interim Guidance for COVID19 Key note - Polish

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ISUOG Consensus Statement on rationalization of gynecological ultrasound services in context of SARS CoV 2 - Polish

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ISUOG Consensus Statement on organization of routine and specialist obstetric ultrasound services in the context of COVID-19 - Polish


Karta informacji dla pacjentek- Koronawirus lub COVID-19 i ciąża

Karta informacji dla pacjentek- Koronawirus lub COVID-19 i ciąża

Read and download the Patient Information leaflet 'Koronawirus lub COVID-19 i ciąża'.



