Watch the key messages, recordings and the presentations from the ISUOG webinar series on COVID-19.
We are translating COVID-19 resources into multiple languages, such as: French, Chinese, Czech, Italian, German, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Ukranian, Greek, Polish, Vietnamese and Russian. Please check the availability of resources in your own language.
Key Messages from the Webinars
Access all the key messages from ISUOG's webinar series on COVID-19, including recordings, presentations and summaries.
ISUOG webinar series: COVID-19 - One year on
Watch the recordings from our first webinar in the ISUOG webinar series. The lectures focus on how our therapeutic knowledge of treating COVID-19 has developed in the past year. The lectures will provide information about vaccination in pregnancy and wider issues relating to global vaccination policy, and shed more light on the lessons of the large population based studies on COVID-19 in pregnancy.
Webinar on How to prepare your unit for Coronavirus
Watch the recordings, key messages and the presentations from the first webinar on practical organisation of service, what has been learnt and what you should be doing, staff wellbeing and how to ensure that the staff is kept healthy.
Webinar on crisis management, equipment and rationalising services
Watch the recording and the presentations from the second webinar on lessons from Wuhan, how to manage patients in an overwhelmed system, best practice of PPE, practical guidance on cleaning your equipment, spread of COVID-19 in the unit, rationalising the provision of ultrasound resources and more.
Webinar on wellbeing and the workforce
Watch the recordings, key messages and the presentations from the third webinar on staff wellbeing and maintaining a healthy workforce, during a time where services are being stretched and colleagues are being pushed to manage the COVID-19 outbreak.
Webinar on clinical management and testing
Watch recordings from ISUOG's fourth COVID-19 webinar, focusing on clinical obstetric management and the latest information on tests, in particular their reliability and performance.
Webinaire sur risques, protection et gestion des malades
Regardez les enregistrements du webinaire de ISUOG, sur l'es essentiel du COVID-19. Ce webinaire se focalise sur la transmission virale du COVID-19, les différentes stratégies visant a limiter la propagation du virus et la gestion de grossesse en période épidémique.
Seminario web de ISUOG sobre Lecciones aprendidas en España y prevención en Latinoamérica
Mira el seminario web de ISUOG sobre el COVID-19, incluido los lecciones aprendidas en España y prevención en Latinoamérica.
Webinar on Treating the pregnant patient with COVID-19
Watch the recordings, key messages and the presentations from the seventh webinar on treatment of critical care and pregnant patients with COVID-19 and possible implications in pregnancy.
Coronavirus (Arabic): What should we know about COVID-19?
Watch the recordings, key messages and the presentations from the first Arabic webinar on the maternal and perinatal risks COVID-19 patients face, changes needed in clinical practice during the pandemic, COVID-19 policies and research and more.
Tratamiento, bienestar y vacuna
El segundo seminario web en español en la serie web ISUOG COVID-19.
Webinar on outcomes, predictions and infection: from mother through to the neonate
Watch recordings from ISUOG's 10th webinar on COVID-19, covering the latest research into COVID-19 in pregnancy. Topics include how to predict infection without a test, an explanation of the ZOE study and information and data on vertical transmission and neonatal infection.