ISUOG/ESGO Consensus Statement on ultrasound-guided biopsy in gynecological oncology
Read the joint ISUOG/ESGO Consensus Statement on ultrasound-guided biopsy in gynecological oncology aiming to assist clinicians, including gynecological sonographers, gynecological oncologists and radiologists, to achieve the best standards of practice in ultrasound-guided biopsy procedures. This Consensus Statement is supplemented by detailed narrated videoclips presenting different approaches and indications for ultrasound-guided biopsy as well as a patient leaflet.
February 2025 UOG Highlights
The February issue of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology includes a systematic review on the accuracy of cell-free fetal DNA in detecting chromosomal anomalies in twin pregnancy, an evaluation of the 36-week scan for diagnosis and outcome of abnormal fetal presentation, a MATERA study reporting the use of maternal ophthalmic artery Doppler indices as a predictor for pre-eclampsia and a consensus opinion providing a systematic methodology for ultrasonographic assessment of lymph nodes to assess the extent of gynecological malignancy. This issue also features the newly updated ISUOG Practice Guidelines on the role of ultrasound in twin pregnancy.
VISUOG's Chapter on Ovarian Dysgerminomas is Open to Access For Free Throughout January
Dysgerminomas are malignant ovarian germ-cell tumors. Malignant germ-cell tumors of the ovary occur in young women, 75% being diagnosed in the second and third decades of life.
December 2024 UOG Highlights
The December issue of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology includes a systematic review on the management and outcome of fetal abdominal cyst in the first trimester, a Danish cohort study on the validation of Fetal Medicine Foundation charts for fetal growth in twin pregnancies, a study comparing biparietal diameter vs crown–rump length for late first-trimester pregnancy dating and a pilot study evaluating the use of the two-step International Ovarian Tumor Analysis group strategy for classifying adnexal masses identified in pregnancy.
November 2024 UOG Highlights
The November issue of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology includes a systematic review on the postnatal outcome of fetal cortical malformations, an intermanufacturer assessment on the predictive performance of angiogenic ratio vs glycosylated fibronectin for pre-eclampsia, a Delphi consensus study with a core outcome set on the management of fetal lower urinary tract obstruction and a study characterizing the appearance of uterine perivascular epithelioid cell tumors on ultrasound using standardized terminology.
Newest Podcast Episode Dives into Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
Our latest episode in the podcast series, presented by NGEN members, dives into a topic that isn’t often discussed—pediatric and adolescent gynecology.
September 2024 UOG Highlights
The September issue of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology includes a systematic review on maternal prepregnancy weight as an independent risk factor for congenital heart defect, a prospective study of cardiovascular adaptation in women with previous pregnancy complicated by a hypertensive disorder, an analysis of the discriminative performance of the ADNEX model and IOTA two-step strategy for adnexal masses in a low-risk population and a study assessing postnatal outcome following fetal aortic valvuloplasty for critical aortic stenosis.
A Trio of Webinars in Multiple Languages
This autumn, ISUOG (International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology) will host a series of webinars in various languages aimed at engaging healthcare professionals involved in ultrasound who speak Portuguese, French, and/or Spanish.
August 2024 UOG Highlights
The August issue of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology includes a systematic review on the role of ultrasound in the detection of lymph-node metastasis in gynecological cancer, a study on the influence of ethnicity and socioeconomic deprivation on adverse pregnancy outcomes, a prospective analysis of the screening performance of increased nuchal translucency before 11 weeks’ gestation for adverse pregnancy outcome and a study investigating the need for individualization of levator–urethra gap measurement for diagnosis of levator avulsion.
June 2024 UOG Highlights
The June issue of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology includes a systematic review on the trimester-specific diagnostic performance of ultrasound in placenta accreta spectrum, a neuroimaging study investigating brain injury in pregnancies with twin–twin transfusion syndrome, a longitudinal evaluation of cervical stiffness in women who undergo spontaneous preterm delivery and a study comparing the characteristics of ovarian and tubal ectopic pregnancies.
Explore June's Free Access VISUOG Chapter on Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer, a malignancy that arises from the cervix, is the fourth most common cancer in women, accounting for an estimated 604,000 new cases and 342,000 deaths worldwide. The most frequent histotypes are HPV-related squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.
New International Consensus Statement: Non-Invasive Imaging Techniques for Diagnosis and Classification of Pelvic Deep Endometriosis
The culmination of a major international collaboration spanning three years has resulted in the publication of an International Consensus Statement on the use of non-invasive imaging techniques for the diagnosis and classification of pelvic deep endometriosis.
International Consensus Statement on use of non-invasive imaging techniques for diagnosis and classification of pelvic deep endometriosis
Read the joint consensus statement aiming to guide clinicians involved in treating women with suspected endometriosis during patient assessment, counseling and planning of surgical treatment strategies in the UOG Journal.
May 2024 UOG Highlights
The May issue of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology includes a randomized controlled trial on the effect of docosahexaenoic acid supplementation on fetal ductal constriction, a systematic review and meta-analysis examining the performance of externally validated risk-prediction models for pre-eclampsia, a cohort study delineating the ultrasound features of benign and malignant mesenchymal uterine tumors and a study comparing the performance of different fetal weight charts and definitions of fetal growth restriction in predicting adverse outcome.
April 2024 UOG Highlights
The April issue of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology includes a systematic review on the diagnostic performance of prenatal ultrasound in coarctation of the aorta, a nationwide cohort study on the outcome of multifetal reduction in quadruplet pregnancy, a study validating the IETA-1 model for intracavitary uterine pathology in women without abnormal uterine bleeding and a summary of the findings of a systematic review on cervical cerclage in twin pregnancy.
Advanced Cancer Course Helps Clinicians Leverage Ultrasound Effectively
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women globally, with more than 660,000 new cases and nearly 350,000 deaths reported in 2022 alone¹.
March 2024 UOG Highlights
The March issue of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology includes a systematic review evaluating the yield of prenatal exome sequencing in agenesis of the corpus callosum, a study comparing singleton and twin growth charts in the prediction of neonatal morbidity in twin pregnancy, a prospective study updating the M6 risk-prediction model in pregnancy of unknown location and an analysis of a new machine-learning model for predicting first-trimester pre-eclampsia in a Latin American population.
February 2024 UOG Highlights
The February issue of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology includes a systematic review evaluating adverse perinatal outcome in dichorionic twin pregnancy complicated by selective fetal growth restriction, a study deriving chorionicity-specific reference ranges for fetal growth in twin pregnancy, an analysis of emergency Cesarean delivery in placenta previa and placenta accreta spectrum and an evaluation of the diagnostic test accuracy of a standardized transvaginal examination for deep endometriosis of the uterosacral ligaments and torus uterinus.
Free Access in February: Explore VISUOG Chapters on Salpingitis and Uterine Fibroids
VISUOG offers accurate, peer-reviewed, and evidence-based visual chapters covering a range of pregnancy and gynecological conditions. Detailed anatomical visualisations are provided to enhance clinical decision-making and diagnostic accuracy of Saplingitis and Uterine Fibroids.
January 2024 UOG Highlights
The January issue of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology includes a systematic review exploring the value of whole-genome sequencing in the diagnosis of congenital anomalies, a randomized controlled trial investigating the utility of visual biofeedback during the second stage of labor in facilitating maternal pushing, a study on the diagnosis of superficial endometriosis using transvaginal ultrasound, and a study demonstrating the potential of deep learning in improving fetal heart screening. This issue also features the new ISUOG Practice Guidelines on the performance of third-trimester obstetric ultrasound scan.