These lectures were delivered as part of the Basic Training course at CUSP, in Chennai, India, in 2018.

Physical principles of ultrasound including safety 


Live demo 1 - Knobology 


Discussion 1


The 6 steps approach


Fetal biometry - dating, assessing size & estimating fetal weight


Live demo 2 - Biometry 


Assessing the normal pregnancy between 10 & 14 weeks in singleton & twin pregnancies 


Distinguishing between normal & abnormal fetal size and growth


Assessing the placenta & amniotic fluid in singleton & twin pregnancies


The principles of Doppler ultrasound 


Live demo 4 - Umbilical and uterine artery Doppler 


Informed consent, image recording & report writing


Quality control processes for operators & programs


Cervical assessment 


Live demo 5- Cervical assessment 


The 20 + 2 planes approach to the routine mid trimester scan 


Evaluating fetal anatomy from longitudinal sections


Distinguishing between normal & abnormal appearances of the skull and brain 


Examining the upper lip, face & profile correctly


Live demo 6 - Fetal anatomy (2nd trimester)


Assessing the neck & chest 


Obtaining & interpreting heart views 


Examining the abdomen & anterior abdominal wall 


Live demo 7 - Chest, 4 chamber hear and abdomen 


Distinguishing between normal & abnormal appearances of the urinary tract


Distinguishing between normal & abnormal appearances of the long bones & extremities 


Live demo 8 - Urinary tract, extremities and transverse sweep 


Distinguishing between normal & abnormal appearances of the fetal anatomy


Making a decision, normal or not


Quiz on normal and abnormal images


The basics of a gynecological ultrasound walkthrough (TA & TV)


Examining the uterus: cervix & endometrium


Examining the uterus: myometrium 


Live demo 9 - Normal gynecological scan 


Discussion 10


Examining the ovaries and adnexae 


Typical ultrasound appearances of the most common pathologies in the adnexae 


Discussion 11


Assessing the normal pregnancy between 4 & 10 weeks in singleton & twin pregnancies


Writing the gynecological ultrasound report 

