ISUOG Outreach returns to Mongolia to continue Phase I in Ulaanbaatar.
Project Title: ISUOG Outreach training in ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology, Phase I - Part II
Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Dates: 2-6 September 2013
Project partners: Samsung Medison. UNFPA, NCMCH

Mongolia Outreach Program

Mongolia Outreach Program

Mongolia Outreach Program

Mongolia Outreach Program

Mongolia Outreach Program
ISUOG Training team:
Dr. Philippe Jeanty (USA) - team leader
Prof. Kwang Jun Kim (South Korea)
Prof. Moon-Young Kim (South Korea)
Prof. Ja-Young Kwon (South Korea)
Dr. David Berck (USA)
Project purpose: To provide ultrasound training to local OB/GYN practitioners in Mongolia with the intention that these trainees eventually become local trainers.
Project deliverables:
Goal: By the end of Phase I, trainees will be competent in ultrasound scanning techniques and conduct quality scans in line with basic training outreach templates.
Output: Training dedicated trainees in basic ultrasound in OB/GYN scanning and hone in on their skills by evaluating their progress and provide mentoring between programs.
Outcome: Trainees competent OB/GN ultrasound scanning will increase level of anomaly identification and aid in preventing preventable causes of maternal mortality locally.
Course Participants: 18 physicians from 12 different hospitals within the country
Training Summary:
The second training trip started on Monday, 2 September with didactic lectures in the morning and hands-on scanning in the afternoon. Despite a very timid start, the trainees proved their capabilities almost immediately. Thanks to last year’s training course and on-going scanning throughout the year, subjects in which they had previously struggled (i.e.: cleaning transducers, biometry, creating reports, etc.) were now almost second nature, allowing them to advance to more complicated material such as Doppler and cardiac views.
A real source of excitement for the trainees proved to be the global mix of the ISUOG Outreach volunteers as they enjoyed the varying teaching styles of each trainer. Dr. David Berck’s way of explaining using perspectives from Maternal Fetal Medicine, Dr. Kwang Jun Kim’s vivid demonstrations with common objects, and the trainers’ abundant use of iPads and smartphones to sketch and explain anatomy had all helped to make the learning environment fun and different. Due to a large language barrier, care was taken this year to translate all lecture materials into Mongolian in advance – presentations were projected both in English and Mongolian which helped facilitate simultaneous translations on site during the talks.
Learning wasn’t just limited to the lecture room and hands on training sessions took place every afternoon. Pathologies included DC-DA twin with AEDV, previas, Dandy Walker cyst, Ebstein as well as a pulmonary stenosis which required lots of team effort both between the trainees and the volunteers to identify. The trainees were encouraged to work together, and to not be afraid to ask questions when necessary, as they worked to develop their skills and learned both how to counsel patients and explain situations to them calmly.
Post-Test results were high, with the most improvement seen for the third trimester test. There were also considerable improvements in comparison to test results from last year, possibly due to the high number of trainees who were able to practice their scanning throughout the year.
Realising there is still always room for improvement, the trainees were left with coursework and material to review, so they could prepare for the next Outreach visit to Mongolia, projected for Summer 2014.
ISUOG would like to thank Dr. Tsedmaa Bataar of the NCMCH for once again helping to make this training such a success. ISUOG also thanks our society partners, KSUOG, for their contributions both in the lead up to the trip and onsite, and our industry partners, Samsung Medison, for their donation and on-going support of the project. And finally a big thank you goes out to our volunteer team, led by Dr. Philippe Jeanty, whose dedication to the ISUOG Outreach Program and the Mongolia project in particular is invaluable!