Supplement your learning for the ISUOG 'Cardiac advanced online series' with the following learning resources.

Livestream the Online Cardiac Series starting from 12 September featuring the likes of Prof. Julene Carvalho, Dr Simon Meagher, Prof. Dario Paladini and Dr Balu Vaidyanathan. Gain in-depth analysis of the anatomy, the three major conotruncal anomalies, and management of fetal semilunar valve stenosis.

Learning Objectives:

Malformation of the fetal semilunar valves

  • Understand the key anatomical landmarks in the routine assessment of normal and abnormal semilunar valves
  • Understand the natural history of pre-natal, post-natal aortic and pulmonary valve stenosis
  • Understand the technical specifications which facilitate imaging of the semilunar valves in both healthy and disease states
  • Understand how to maximise colour Doppler technologies including colour Doppler, power Doppler, and radiant flow when assessing flow patterns across the semilunar valves
  • Addressing the basic and advanced approaches to sonographic diagnosis of mild, moderate and severe aortic/pulmonary valve stenosis
  • Provide an outline of the value of 4D/STIC evaluation, where appropriate, of the normal and abnormal semilunar valves

Override anomalies

  • Understanding of the classification of conotruncal cardiac anomalies 
  • How to distinguish between tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), double outlet right ventricle (sub-aortic VSD ) and common arterial trunk
  • Understand the value of the ISUOG mid-trimester cardiac guidelines in screening for conotruncal anomalies  
  • Address the basic and advanced approaches to sonographic diagnosis  of TOF with mild, moderate and severe pulmonary stenosis/atresia 
  • Understand the current classification of double outlet right ventricle and common arterial trunk
  • Understand the antenatal investigation, surveillance and post-natal management pathways for the common conotruncal anomalies 

Transposition of the great arteries

  • Understand the spectrum of transposition of the great arteries 
  • Understand the value of the ISUOG mid-trimester cardiac guidelines in screening for transposition and congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (cCTGA) 
  • Gain an understanding of the sonographic clues that allow one to distinguish between simple and complex TGA 
  • Understand the management options and clues that provide sonographic prognostication of outcomes in fetuses with transposition of the great arteries
  • Provide an outline of the value of 4D/STIC evaluation in the diagnosis and prognostication of fetuses with transposition of the great arteries
  • Understand the key issues that need addressing when counselling patients following the antenatal diagnosis of transposition of the great arteries

Explore the topic before you attend our course:
In order to make the most of this learning experience and help you achieve your learning objectives, we have prepared a path to guide you from the essentials to our course’s topics through ISUOG resources. The material below, will take you from the most basics to a more comprehensive view of Malformation of the fetal Semilunar Valves, some open to everyone and some available only to ISUOG members –some may even grant you CME points.
Some of these activities are exclusively available to our members. Become a member today.

Basic Training Lectures

Watch Basic Training lectures to gain foundational knowledge.

VISUOG Chapters

Learn more about specific terminology in our member-driven online visual encyclopedia.

Patient Information Sheets

Leaflets to help patients understand what heart conditons mean for them, their baby, and their family.

UOG Articles

Supplement your learning with specially chosen articles from UOG. 

More depth:
At the same time, this course is the perfect opportunity for you to dive in our rich material and discover or re-discover more advanced approaches to the topic, research updates or related educational material of a more advanced level.

UOG Articles

Check out our course chairs and speakers:
ISUOG courses are led by our members, leading experts in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. See here lectures given by some of the course’s speakers at our annual Congresses, International Symposia, or other ISUOG courses: 

Dr Paul Brooks is a Paediatric & Fetal Cardiologist who works in both the Division of Women’s and Children’s at Western Health and private tertiary ultrasound practices in Melbourne, Australia. Paul is involved in training Obstetricians and Sonographers through approximately 700 fetal echo studies each year. Paul was trained in both Melbourne and Edmonton, Canada and was previously Head of Echocardiography & Fetal Cardiology at BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, Canada, prior to returning home. Paul has spoken at local and International meetings and enjoys developing a supportive relationship with his patients and families, many of whom are met and followed from prior to birth.

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Fetal Heart Special Interest Group (Chair)

Professor Carvalho is a paediatric cardiologist who specialises in imaging and managing abnormalities of the fetal heart during pregnancy. She works in London, at the Royal Brompton and St George’s NHS Foundation Trusts and is Professor of Practice at St George’s University of London.

Professor Carvalho graduated with Honours in Brazil (MB BS) and initiated her Cardiology training in São Paulo. She obtained her PhD and completed her specialist training in paediatric cardiology in London. Since 1999, she has focused her interest in imaging the fetal heart throughout pregnancy and managing high-risk pregnancies (fetal cardiology). She is Head of ‘Brompton Centre for Fetal Cardiology’ at the Royal Brompton Hospital, Lead Fetal Cardiologist at St George’s Hospital and Professor of Practice at St George’s University of London.

She is Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), Fellow of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), and Chairperson of ISUOG Fetal Heart Special Interest Group.  She was ISUOG Board Member and Trustee (2009-2016), Editor for Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (2011-2014) and Council Member of the British Congenital Cardiac Association (BCCA, 2016-2019).

She is known internationally for her clinical, educational and research interests in Fetal Cardiology and lectures regularly at national and international conferences.

Country: UK

Field: Obstetrics/Fetal and Pediatric Cardiology

Specialties: Fetal heart

Languages: English; Portuguese

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First trimester ultrasound: the past, the present and the future

Dr Simon Meagher is consultant sonologist at the Perinatal department, Mercy Hospital for Women, Melbourne. He also serves as Medical Director of Monash Ultrasound for Women where he oversees a team of 50 sonologists, sonographers, genetic counsellors, phlebotomists and administrative staff in delivering a tertiary level ultrasound service across south east Melbourne. Dr Meagher has dedicated 30  years of his term as Medical Director, teaching and lecturing in obstetric and gynaecological ultrasound both locally and overseas. He has delivered over 800 lectures, across 17 countries, and 43 cities worldwide. In 2015, he was awarded ‘Sonologist of The Year’ by the Australian society of Ultrasound in medicine (ASUM) in recognition  of his teaching skills and his commitment to  hands on training within the hospital setting at the Mercy Hospital for Women and for  his commitment and contributions to ASUM.

His interest in clinical research has focussed on early pregnancy screening and diagnosis he has published over 100  articles in peer review journals, including 15 articles  in the last 3 years focusing on first trimester  pregnancy screening and diagnosis. Dr Meagher has described five original sonographic fetal markers during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. He is now focusing his interest on aneuploidy and embryo development from  seven to 10 weeks as we approach the dawn of a new era of genetic screening via free fetal DNA analysis.  

Dr Meagher has taken on multiple leadership positions - early in his career as the Chair of the Standards of Practice Committee at ASUM, examiner and executive board member for the ASUM Diploma of diagnostic ultrasound and later as council member of ASUM. Thereafter he served as Chairman of the Victoria Obstetric Sonologists group and on several  ISUOG Sub-Committees  at the  International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound.

Country: Australia

Field: Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Specialties: Prenatal Diagnosis. First and Second Trimester Fetal anomaly screening. Aneuploidy screening and diagnosis. NIPT and prenatal Exome sequencing. Maternal and Fetal Doppler Ultrasound. Invasive Prenatal Procedures.  Ultrasound and Infertility. Tubal Patency Testing. 

Languages: English


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Honours Committee Member

Prof. Dario Paladini is currently the Head of the Fetal Medicine and Surgery Unit at G. Gaslini Children's Hospital in Genova, Italy.
Prof Paladini has  had several roles in ISUOG over the years: Education committee chair and member, Course co-chair, Board member, member of the Outreach committee, nomination committee, CSC committee, Fetal heart task force, CNS guidelines task force (chair). He was awarded the Stuart Campbell Award in 2011 and he is now Chair of the Stuart Campbell award committee.
Prof. Paladini has published > 200 original papers in high IF peer-review journals and led and was involved in hundreds of training courses and congresses worldwide.
Country: Italy
Field: Gynecology; Obstetrics
Specialties: Fetal anomaly screening T2; fetal anomalies; fetal heart; fetal brain; 3D & 4D ultrasound; fetal surgery; gynecological ultrasound.
Languages: English; Italian; Spanish
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Focus areas of interest: Prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart defects, advanced 3D/4D STIC fetal echocardiography, training in fetal heart screening protocols.
Academic highlights: More than 50 indexed research papers in past 10 years, > 300 lectures in various global professional platforms including World congress of pediatric cardiology and Fetal medicine foundation.
Professional societies: Convener, Fetal cardiology working group of Pediatric cardiac society of India, Society of Fetal Medicine of India, Member American College of Cardiology, Indian academy of Pediatrics, International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 
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