This Course is targeted on Ob&Gyn doctors, fetal medicine specialists, who perform prenatal scanning and imaging, and prenatal geneticists, neonatologists and practitioners in these fields.

The Course on Fetal Imaging has been created to improve the diagnostic approaches in fetal scanning and discuss novel patient treatment options and follow up management.
In the first session we will deal with simple and complex abdominal wall defects. What are the new insights in terms of etiology and management? Can we correctly differentiate the complex urogenital malformations to predict the surgical approach and the long term morbidity?
Congenital malformations of the spine and the face go beyond the typical neural tube defect and cleft lip. “Spinal anomalies beyond NTD'' will focus on the presentation and differential diagnosis of other vertebral anomalies. In “Facial anomalies beyond cleft lip” the focus is shifted towards the approach to other common facial malformations and dysmorphic facial features.
In recent years the association between brain development and other structural anomalies has been established especially for the heart but also for diaphragmatic hernia. In the third session we explore the association of congenital heart defects and brain development, and the potential tools to allow investigation of cardiac function and functional brain assessment.
Finally we question the management options for conditions such as congenital diaphragmatic hernia and fetal hydrops. To end the session, we challenge the current practice on genetic investigation and pathological analysis upon the diagnosis of syndromic conditions.
Course description
Join us on the 15th of October 2022 for the Course “Fetal Imaging and beyond” with video records access for 21 days. Registration is now open!
CLICK HERE for a scientific program!
Prof. Luc de Catte
Simple abdominal wall defect: not that simple?
Complex abdominal midline defects: a constellation of anomalies?
Spinal anomalies beyond NTD
Facial anomalies beyond cleft lip
The fetal brain development and congenital heart anomalies
Prenatal cardiac function analysis: when does it matter
Fetal MRI: from anatomical to functional investigation
Prenatal management of CDH finally standardized?
Fetal hydrops in the era of exome sequencing: how to approach?
Has trio exome sequencing become the new standard in the evaluation of prenatally detected structural defects?
Fetal virtual necropsy: better than the golden standard?
To review the diagnosis and management of simple and complex abdominal wall defects.
To elucidate the new insights in complex abdominal wall defects.
To highlight the complexity in diagnosis and management of complex urogenital malformations.
To provide a diagnostic algorithm for vertebral and facial anomalies beyond the typical lesions.
To understand the complex interaction between congenital malformations and brain development and the tools to investigate this relationship.
To discuss the new insights in the management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia and fetal hydrops.
To discuss recent evolution in prenatal genetic diagnosis and post-mortem investigation of fetal syndromic conditions.
Course language: English
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