Register to watch the on-demand content from our advanced education course on the new UOG ‘Third Trimester Guideline’ led by Prof. Asma Khalil, A/Prof. Alexandros Sotiriadis and many of the authors from the guideline.  Over 8 hours of on-demand content; update your knowledge and learn with how to understand and apply the guideline to your practice. Hear the debates and questions from the impressive faculty and your peers who attended live.

'Third Trimester ultrasound' has been centered around the ISUOG Practice Guideline: Performance of third trimester obstetric ultrasound scan which suggests a checklist approach to third trimester scans.  The approach focusses on eight key elements: viability, placenta, fetal presentation, biometry, fetal growth patterns, amniotic fluid volume, fetal Doppler and fetal anatomy.

This course is relevant to obstetricians, sonographers, and midwives.

It will give you the opportunity to learn about the new guideline and how to practically apply it.

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