Got a question about Ultrasound Essentials 2024? Read our FAQs below to find an answer.

Who should attend this event?

This course has been developed specifically for attendees from low-resource countries. The event is for individuals who are interested in learning about ultrasound imaging for improving women’s health. Specifically, professionals who will find the event program relevant may be Obstetricians, Gynecologists, Sonographers, Trainees, Doctors, Maternal Fetal Medicine specialists (MFMs), Radiologists, Residents, Researchers, Geneticists, Midwives, Nurses, Consultants and other women’s health and maternity care professionals.

How much is this course?

This event is free to attend.

Is this event online or in person?

This event is online only via a live stream link. The recording will be available to watch on demand for six (6) months.

Is there CME available?

Unfortunately, this event does not offer CME credits. However, you can find CME opportunities on the Academy through our online courses and activities by becoming an ISUOG member.

Will I receive a certificate of attendance?

Although no certificates are available, attending this event will benefit your professional development as ISUOG has invited leading experts in the field of ultrasound for obstetrics and gynecology to speak.

What equipment is needed to attend the event?

To attend this online course, all you need is a device (computer, laptop, or mobile) and a strong internet connection to stream the video live. You don't require an ultrasound device or any other equipment.

What level is this suitable for?

This educational event is suitable for all levels and is led by top doctors and clinicians from around the world.

If you have any other questions about Ultrasound Essentials 2024, please contact [email protected].
