The following presentations will include discussion of commercial products/services:

OC07.04; OC07.08; OC09.08; OC10.06; OC11.02; OC12.01;OC17.03; OC17.05; OC18.03; OP05.04; OP09.02; OP13.05; OP14.05; OP16.01; OP16.07; EP01.03; EP01.04; EP01.08; EP01.09; EP01.12; EP01.19; EP01.24; EP01.31; EP01.37; EP01.41; EP01.45; EP01.50; EP01.56; EP01.59; EP01.65; EP04.06; EP05.05; EP05.25; EP06.10; EP06.37; EP06.44; EP08.10; EP08.34; EP09.51; EP11.06; EP12.12; EP16.26; EP16.43; EP17.01; EP17.06; EP17.54; EP18.06; EP18.11; EP21.16; EP21.37; EP22.43; EP23.10; EP24.08; EP24.21; EP24.26; EP25.13; EP25.16; EP25.23; EP26.06

The following presentations will include discussion of investigative or off label uses of products:

OC07.02; OC07.04; OC12.01; OC20.08; EP01.04; EP01.12; EP01.19;EP01.34; EP01.41; EP03.01; EP06.49; EP07.10; EP10.03; EP10.22; EP11.03; EP11.06;  EP17.40  

The following presentations will include discussion of clinical studies:

OC01.01; OC02.03; OC05.03; OC06.06; OC07.02; OC08.06; OC10.04; OC11.01; OC11.04; OC11.06; OC12.01; OC12.04;OC13.01; OC14.03; OC15.02; OC17.02; OC17.03; OC17.06; OC18.03; OC20.03; OC21.06; OP01.08; OP01.09; OP02.05; OP02.07; OP04.02; OP04.09; OP06.04; OP06.06; OP06.07; OP06.08; OP07.07; OP07.09; OP08.06; OP10.04; OP10.05; OP10.08; OP11.06; OP12.02; OP14.05; OP15.09; OP16.05; OP17.01; OP17.06; EP01.03; EP01.07; EP01.08; EP01.24; EP01.29; EP01.47; EP01.60; EP03.03; EP04.06; EP04.08; EP04.10; EP04.16; EP05.21; EP05.23; EP05.29; EP05.48; EP05.70; EP06.13; EP06.33; EP06.66; EP07.10; EP07.15; EP07.18; EP07.50; EP07.56; EP07.61; EP07.80; EP08.03; EP08.04; EP08.17; EP08.20; EP08.34; EP08.41; EP09.109; EP09.33; EP09.45; EP09.46; EP09.49; EP09.76; EP09.99; EP10.03; EP10.08; EP10.15; EP10.19; EP10.26; EP11.02; EP11.09; EP11.15; EP12.04; EP12.06; EP12.08; EP16.01; EP16.15; EP16.21; EP16.25; EP16.26; EP16.27; EP17.01; EP17.10; EP17.16; EP17.17; EP17.18; EP17.24; EP17.30; EP17.39; EP17.40; EP17.45; EP17.46; EP17.55; EP17.60; EP17.66; EP17.77; EP18.04; EP18.07; EP18.11; EP18.45; EP19.01; EP19.04 ;EP19.05; EP19.09; EP19.13; EP20.05; EP20.20; EP20.21; EP20.24; EP20.31; EP21.02; EP21.04; EP21.23; EP21.27; EP21.34; EP22.04; EP22.47; EP23.03; EP23.05; EP23.14; EP23.19; EP23.24; EP23.25; EP23.32; EP23.35; EP23.37; EP23.42; EP23.45; EP23.52; EP23.53; EP24.10; EP24.19; EP25.05; EP25.15; EP25.16; EP26.10

The following speaker declarations have been received:

  • Reem S. Abu-Rustum: Presentation is on a clinical study of the value of angiogenic factors in pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction
  • Nandor Acs: Will outline limitations if relevant in any talk
  • Celine Bafort: Only studies that they or their team initiated. These do not include industry sponsored studies.
  • Ahmet Baschat: Will discuss balt tracheal occlusion balloon for FETO for diaphragmatic hernia and will elaborate on the strengths and weaknesses of the data and published studies.
  • Roee Birnbaum: I will disclose limitations of the data they refer to.
  • Tom Bourne: Will be discussing the literature including prospective/ retrospective studies and trials and will address any limitations of these
  • Julene Carvalho: They routinely report my clinical studies with disclosures on limitations
  • Rabih Chaoui: Receives honoraria for talks for GE Healthcare and in ISUOG meetings will be giving talks  for GE Healthcare in the breaks
  • Conrado Coutinho: Studies as part of early pregnancy clinical research - will be clearly noted
  • Rogelio Cruz Martinez: Any recommendation involving clinical medicine will be substantiated by peer review sources, and any potential limitations about the data shown will be made clear.
  • Jan Deprest: Will mention when products/services are used off label
  • Lior Drukker: Will follow CME standards
  • Stephanie Dukhovny: Discussion of clinical studies conducted by their group.  Limitations of the data will be acknowledged.
  • Wouter Froyman: Have received speaker fees from GE Healthcare and will probably use some ultrasound pictures/clips from their machines, but will remove the details of the brand from them
  • Eduard Gratacos: All published data will be duly referenced and limitations discussed as appropriate.
  • Stefano Guerriero: Will discuss clinical studies related to fetal cardiovascular disease and will disclose limitations.
  • Parthiv Haldipur: Any discussions of clinical studies will include disclosure of limitations.
  • Attila Jakab: Limitations of studies will be presented
  • Gregor Kasprian: Philips SmartSpeed AI support
  • Karina Krajden Haratz: Research project with GE
  • Sailesh Kumar: Fetoscopic tracheal occlusion treatment of CDH is the off label use of a vascular occlusion balloon and will be discussing randomised trials on FETO and meta analyses surrounding the treatment of CDH
  • Chris Kyriacou: Will be presenting results from a clinical study at Imperial College London and will highlight the limitations of the data.
  • Frank Louwen: Will discuss several published studies on vasa previa.
  • Simon Meagher: All talks contain video clips from the commercial ultrasound provider General Electric (GE). Receives honorarium payments for talks given at Industry hospitality suites during the congress but not for talks that are part of the main program. Will discuss screening tool development in clinical studies such as the Pregnancy Outcome Prediction study.
  • Fionnuala Mone: Will disclose when off label. Studies will be referred to as published papers, or their status
  • Sandor Nagy: Results of the IDEA1 study
  • Nina Parker: TRUFFLE group papers
  • Lawrence Platt: GE Healthcare (consultant); Mahmee (advisory board); Natera (advisory board); Nuvo (advisory board), Pulsenmore (advisory board); Trice Imaging (advisory board)
  • Ritsuko Pooh: CEO of Ritz Medical Co.,Ltd, a genetic examination company, and own its stock.
  • Liona Poon: PlGF reagents (Revvity, Roche, Aucheer, ThermoFisher), ultrasound machines (GE HealthCare, Mindray, Samsung). Receives in-kind contributions and will only discuss published studies
  • Jessica Preisler Romanow: Will discuss clinical studies of their research team all with ethic committee approval
  • David Rhew: Microsoft/Nuance and its partners develop cloud and AI technologies that will be referenced as examples of how AI can transform healthcare. However, they will not report company names or products in the presentation. Works for Microsoft/Nuance and advisor to Topcon Healthcare
  • Daniel Rolnik: All their studies are clinical
  • Magda  Sanz Cortes: Will refer to observational studies of monochorionic placentas from their group as well as others and refer to the studies with the correct references
  • Srdjan Saso: Instruments for fetal interventions are often used off-label.
  • Julien Stirnemann: Co-founder and shreholder of the Sonio company
  • Gábor Szabó: International Endometrial Tumor Analysis (IETA) and International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) studies of which data has been published and rights - with respect to the displayed content - have been waivered.
  • Tina Tellum: Received speaker fees for presentations and workshops on ultrasound from GE and Samsung, however, they will not discuss any specifics of their products nor have they any influence on any content of their talks.
  • Özge Tunçalp: Aspirin for preeclampsia prevention
  • Stefan Verlohren: Biomarkers for preeclampsia. Has received speakers fee / advisory board fees for ThermoFisher, Roche, Siemens, Beckmann Coulter, Comanche and Alexion
  • Helena Williams: GE healthcare provides research funding to the pelvic floor dysfunction research group at KU Leuven/UZ Leuven that they work under.  
  • Hye-Sung Won: Samsung Medison machine
  • Jun Yoshimatsu: Valaciclovir for prevention of congenital CMV infection
  • Lina Youssef: May discuss current research publications with appropriate context as to limitations of conclusions that can be drawn from the data.
