Understand the latest research and clinical best practice on pregnancy complications.
Ultrasound is an indispensable tool in the screening, diagnosis, and management of pregnancy complications, such as placenta accreta spectrum disorder preterm birth, fetal growth restriction, preeclampsia, and stillbirth. It facilitates early risk stratification to real-time monitoring of fetal and maternal well-being and informs key clinical decision-making. Ultrasound imaging including transvaginal cervical length assessment, fetal biometry measurements, and Doppler velocimetry forms the basis for the evaluation of the most serious complications in pregnancy and continues to guide the direction of future research. As advancements in ultrasound technology refine our understanding of these complications, it remains the primary imaging modality for optimizing maternal-fetal outcomes.

Second and third trimester cervix
Bernardeco, J, Visual Encyclopedia of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, www.isuog.org, April 2023.

Doppler assessment of the uterine arteries
Cafici D, Terrones A, Ramos Mejía D, Visual Encyclopedia of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, www.isuog.org, July 2022.

Doppler assessment of the uterine arteries
Cafici D, Terrones A, Ramos Mejía D, Visual Encyclopedia of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, www.isuog.org, July 2022.

Doppler evaluation of normal and abnormal placenta
Hernandez-Andrade, E., Huntley, E.S., Bartal, M.F., Soto-Torres, E.E., Tirosh, D., Jaiman, S. and Johnson, A. (2022), Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 60: 28-41.

Doppler evaluation of normal and abnormal placenta
Hernandez-Andrade, E., Huntley, E.S., Bartal, M.F., Soto-Torres, E.E., Tirosh, D., Jaiman, S. and Johnson, A. (2022). Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 60: 28-41.

Doppler evaluation of normal and abnormal placenta
Hernandez-Andrade, E., Huntley, E.S., Bartal, M.F., Soto-Torres, E.E., Tirosh, D., Jaiman, S. and Johnson, A. (2022), Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 60: 28-41.

Doppler evaluation of normal and abnormal placenta
Hernandez-Andrade, E., Huntley, E.S., Bartal, M.F., Soto-Torres, E.E., Tirosh, D., Jaiman, S. and Johnson, A. (2022), Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 60: 28-41.

Automated multivolume placental reconstruction using three-dimensional power doppler ultrasound and infrared camera tracking
Xue, A., Hanly, R., Luichareonkit, D., Thomas, S., Barber, T. and Welsh, A.W. (2025), Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. Accepted Author Manuscript.
Why are complications in pregnancy a key topic at ISUOG 2025?
Recent UOG articles
- Relationship of maternal ophthalmic artery Doppler with uterine artery Doppler, hemodynamic indices and gestational age: prospective MATERA study - S. Ali, D. C. Mukasa, D. Lukakamwa, A. Nakayenga, P. Namagero, J. Biira, J. Byamugisha, A. T. Papageorghiou. First published: 20 January 2025
- Combined first-trimester screening for preterm small-for-gestational-age infants: Australian multicenter clinical feasibility study - R. J. Selvaratnam, D. L. Rolnik, M. Setterfield, E. M. Wallace, J. A. Hyett, F. da Silva Costa, A. C. McLennan. First published: 18 January 2025.
- Prediction of pre-eclampsia using maternal hemodynamic parameters at 12 + 0 to 15 + 6 weeks - X. Wang, D. S. Sahota, L. Wong, L. Nguyen-Hoang, Y. Chen, A. S. T. Tai, F. Liu, S. Ling Lau, A. P. W. Lee, L. C. Poon. First published: 18 January 2025
- The cerebroplacental ratio: a useful marker but should it be a screening test? - S. Yagel, S. M. Cohen, D. V. Valsky. First published: 05 January 2025
- Near-miss criteria for stillbirth in global research: the ‘In Utero’ consensus - S. J. Gordijn, A. T. Papageorghiou, A. L. David, S. Ali, W. Ganzevoort. First published: 10 October 2024
- Evidence-based interventions to address persistent maternal mortality rates - A. Samara, T. Hanton, A. Khalil. First published: 15 July 2024
- Automated multivolume placental reconstruction using three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound and infrared camera tracking - A. Xue, R. Hanly, D. Luichareonkit, S. Thomas, T. Barber, A. W. Welsh. First published: 24 May 2024
Supplement your learning
Prediction and prevention of late pre-eclampsia - F.Costa
Doppler and FGR International definitions - E.Gratacos
What tools do we have for predicting and preventing spontaneous preterm birth? - R.Romero
Should CPR be used in the management of term pregnancy - F.Figueras
Ultrasonographic evaluation of the cervix in asymptomatic and symptomatic women with targeted interventions is an effective strategy to prevent the burden of the disease.
Placenta accreta spectrum disorders: Abnormally adherent and invasive placenta
The placenta accreta spectrum disorders include both abnormally adherent and invasive placenta. Targeted screening is essential for these disorders due to the association between low-lying or previa placenta and previous cesarean delivery. Prenatal diagnosis is possible by ultrasound.
Doppler assessment of the uterine arteries
The uterine arteries, right and left, are the branches of the internal iliac arteries that supply blood to the uterus.
Doppler assessment of the fetal cerebral circulation
Evaluation of cerebral circulation in the fetus has long been used for clinical guidance in growth restriction and those at risk for fetal anemia.
Small for gestational age (SGA) and fetal growth restriction (FGR)
A fetus is considered to be small for gestational age (SGA) when its size falls below a predefined threshold for its gestational age. The most common definition of SGA is estimated fetal weight (EFW) or abdominal circumference (AC) below the 10th percentile of given reference ranges.
Umbilical Artery Doppler
Doppler assessment of the placental circulation plays an important role in screening for impaired placentation and its complications of pre-eclampsia, fetal growth restriction (FGR), and perinatal death.
Screening for preterm preeclampsia
Preeclampsia is associated with significant maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity. It is characterised by the development of hypertension during the second half of pregnancy with deranged renal, hepatic, haematological or neurological function.
Patient Information
Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorder
This leaflet is to help you understand what Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorder is, what tests you need and the implication of being diagnosed with Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders for your baby and your family.
Fetal growth restriction (FGR)
This leaflet is to help you understand what fetal growth restriction is and what causes it, the implications of being diagnosed, and what treatment options are available.
Uterine arteries Doppler ultrasound
This leaflet is to help you understand the use of doppler ultrasound study of the uterine arteries doppler and its importance when screening for preeclampsia
Preterm Birth – ultrasonographic evaluation of the uterine cervix
This leaflet is to help you understand what Preterm Birth is, what tests you need and the implication of being diagnosed with Preterm Birth for you, your baby and your family.
Screening for Preterm Pre-eclampsia
This leaflet is to help you understand what Preterm Pre-eclampsia is, what tests you need and the implication of being diagnosed with Preterm Pre-eclampsia for you, your baby and your family.
CME Activities
- CME Activity: Ultrasound in Preventing the Great Obstetric Problems
- CME Activity: Stillbirth: Predictable, Preventable?
- CME Activity: Prognostic Accuracy of Cerebroplacental Ratio and Middle Cerebral Artery Doppler for Adverse Perinatal Outcome: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- CME Activity: Preterm Birth
- CME Activity: Optimal Risk Assessment of Small-For-Gestational-Age Fetuses Using 31–34-Week Biometry in a Low-Risk Population
- CME Activity: Abnormally Invasive Placenta: ISUOG World Congress in Singapore
How do we use ultrasound to recognize placenta accreta spectrum disorders?
How can we predict and prevent late pre-eclampsia?
What Doppler values should trigger management decisions when encountering early and late fetal growth restriction?
How do we establish who is at risk for preterm birth and how can we prevent it?
What are the risk factors for stillbirth and how to we tackle this important issue?