Find out more about the 20th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology - including the scientific program and scientific awards.

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A plenary session at ISUOG2010

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A scan demonstration at ISUOG2010

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ISUOG2010 delegates

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A session at ISUOG2010

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The ISUOG2010 welcome reception

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The ISUOG2010 Congress party
Dates: 10-14 October 2010
Location: Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic
Chairs: Pavel Calda and Karel Maršál
Social event location: Zofin Palace
Final scientific program: Our scientific program enabled delegates to meet, engage, learn and advance in the field of imaging via Pre-Congress courses, keynote lectures, masterclasses, workshops, oral communication sessions, posters, live scans and more. Faculty included Thierry Van den Bosch, Antonia Testa, George Condous, Beryl Benacerraf and Wesley Lee. See the full scientific program.
Awards: Read about ISUOG2010 Congress Awards.