Find out about sessions that will address this topic, hear from Prof Salomon about the importance of this topic and supplement your learning with ISUOG education resources including video lectures, guidelines and articles.
Program - Abnormally invasive placenta and vasa previa
Placenta accreta spectrum: SMFM consensus statement - Amarnath Bhide (UK)
First trimester screening for anomalies of placentation - Federico Prefumo (Italy)
- Correlations between imaging, per-operative findings and pathology - Frederic Chantraine (Belgium)
Case discussion - Giuseppe Cali (Italy)
Scan demonstration: AIP - Frederic Chantraine (Belgium)
What is the optimal management of AIP in 2020? - Loic Senthiles (France)
Screening for vasa previa
Supplement your learning - Abnormally invasive placenta and vasa previa
Supplement your learning with the following learning resource, including exlusively-released video content from ISUOG courses and Congresses, UOG articles and ISUOG guidelines.
Video lectures
Live scan: Abnormally invasive placenta
Watch this exclusively released lecture, delivered at ISUOG's 29th World Congress. Other resources available below.
ISUOG guidelines
- ISUOG Consensus Statement: Pro forma for ultrasound reporting in suspected abnormally invasive placenta (AIP) an international consensus UOG: Volume 47, Issue 3, March 2016, Pages: 276-278
VISUOG articles
Placenta accreta spectrum disorders: Abnormally adherent and invasive placenta
The placenta accreta spectrum disorders include both abnormally adherent and invasive placenta. Targeted screening is essential for these disorders due to the association between low-lying or previa placenta and previous cesarean delivery. Prenatal diagnosis is possible by ultrasound.
Placenta previa
Placenta previa is diagnosed when the placenta overlies or is close to the internal cervical os, obstructing delivery. The incidence is of 5 in 1000 deliveries and it has recently increased due to the rise in cesarean deliveries. PP is associated with a higher risk of adverse maternal outcomes.
UOG articles
- Cervical length and risk of antepartum bleeding in women with complete placenta previa UOG: Volume 33, Issue 2, Date: February 2009, Pages 209-212
- Influence of prenatal diagnosis of abnormally invasive placenta on maternal outcome: systematic review and meta‐analysis UOG: Volume 52, Issue 3, Date: September 2018, Pages 304-309
- Impact of placenta previa with placenta accreta spectrum disorder on fetal growth UOG: Volume 54, Issue 5, Date: November 2019, Pages 643 - 649
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