Want to publish your research in UOG?
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology includes original research articles, opinions and reviews on a broad range of subjects related to imaging in maternal-fetal medicine and gynecology. Readers can gain insight into current developments in ultrasound equipment and state-of-the-art techniques. The journal’s regular Opinion, Correspondence and Letter columns provide a forum for current debates and exchange of ideas about all aspects of this evolving discipline.
All submissions should be made online through the ScholarOne Manuscripts submission, peer review and manuscript tracking portal: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/uog. New users should create an account first. Detailed guidance on how to use ScholarOne Manuscripts can be found here.
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure that it complies with the Submission and Manuscript Guidelines and Editorial Policies as detailed here, to avoid delays with processing your submission.
For submission enquiries, please contact the editorial team of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology (UOG) via email: uog@isuog.org. This email address is for correspondence only and is not for the submission of manuscripts.
Topics covered include:
- Obstetrics (fetal growth and wellbeing, preterm labor, prenatal diagnosis, fetal treatment, non-invasive testing)
- Gynecology (oncology, infertility, menopause, urogynecology)
Issues include:
- Reviews: meta-analyses, systematic and narrative
- Randomized controlled trials
- Additional online multimedia resources
- ‘How To’ articles to explain complex imaging techniques
- ISUOG Practice Guidelines
Benefits for researchers
- UOG has an Impact Factor of 6.1, with more than 6.8 million article downloads in 2023
- Fast-track peer review and decision in 2 weeks for high-priority submissions
- Average time to decision 4-5 weeks for regular articles
- Manuscripts online and citable within 2 weeks of acceptance
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Institutional subscriptions
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