Find out about our range of educational activities which focus on trainees and newly qualified clinicians, including basic training courses.
Recommended resources:
Ultrasound of pelvic anatomy - Marathon for Solidarity
World-class gynaecologists come together for an intelectual Marathon to support Shanti Ashram, a center of development, learning and collaboration in India
Education courses
ISUOG educational courses provide you with the latest developments, best practices, and debates on key topics affecting obstetrics and gynecology practitioners across the globe.
2023 Run a BT courses
ISUOG Basic Training delivers high-quality education courses for trainees and those new to ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources
The ISUOG President and Board of Trustees express their gratitude, encouragement and support towards all health professionals fighting the COVID-19 virus. A free webinar series and other clinical resources have been made available to provide learning opportunities and practical guidance for Ob/Gyn and allied healthcare professionals.
VISUOG is our Visual Encyclopedia and aims to provide medical professionals with up-to-date information on the clinical use of ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology.