The VISUOG open chapter for February is on screening for preterm pre-eclampsia. You can now view the chapter for free, throughout February, exclusively on the ISUOG website.

The VISUOG open chapter for February is on screening for preterm pre-eclampsia. You can now view the chapter for free, throughout February, exclusively on the ISUOG website.  

Pre-eclampsia is associated with significant maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity. It is characterised by the development of hypertension during the second half of pregnancy with deranged renal, hepatic, haematological or neurological function. 

This chapter is of great value to fully qualified obstetricians and trainees alike. It covers key information on incidence, pathogenesis and managing women with high-risk screening results, and much more. In the chapter you will also find a patient information sheet to share with your patients. 

View the VISUOG open chapter on Screening for preterm pre-eclampsia now. 

You can access all VISUOG chapters on the ISUOG website by purchasing ISUOG membership. Become a member today. 

If you are interested in learning more on pre-eclampsia, register for the upcoming ISUOG course on NiPT: first trimester ultrasound and pre-eclampsia screening. 

