Abstract submissions have now closed, and the ISUOG World Congress program is on its way to being finalised as we speak! In the meantime, you can familiarise yourself with the 2025 topics in spotlight, which highlight key areas that will be covered at Congress. There will be further information on each topic, in the run up to Congress this September, so watch this space.

Dr Mala Sibal, ISUOG Scientific Committee member, explains why this is topic, highlighting something that affects 190 million women and girls each year around the world, is of such importance.
“Pelvic pain is a multifaceted challenge in women’s health. How can clinicians distinguish between overlapping conditions? What role does ultrasound play in transforming diagnostic precision and management? Discover the answers and the latest innovations from experts at this year’s ISUOG World Congress.”
Why is this a key topic this year? Dr Jezid Miranda, Scientific Committee member, explains its significance:
“Fetal surgery has seen groundbreaking progress in recent years. The 35th ISUOG World Congress will spotlight these transformative developments, showcasing cutting-edge advancements, our challenges, and the exciting future of fetal surgery in clinical practice. Our society is at the forefront of this revolution, with a vibrant and dynamic landscape of research and clinical activity in the development of fetal surgery. This is an exciting time for the field, with the potential to change lives and shape the future of maternal-fetal medicine.”
Ovarian masses: imaging and management
How can we improve diagnostic accuracy today? What innovations are on the horizon? Attend this year’s ISUOG World Congress to find out more.
“Join us at this year's congress to explore the latest advances from state-of-the-art ultrasound to groundbreaking emerging technologies. Together, let's shape the future of ovarian mass diagnostics.” says Dr Francesca Moro, Scientific Committee member.
Fetal anomalies: brain and heart
Dr Rogelio Cruz, a member of the Regional Organising Committee, explains why this topic is particularly relevant in 2025:
“The incidence of fetal anomalies has been increasing during the last decade leading to a growing medical responsibility for testing for conditions in a fetus before it is born to detect defects, anatomic malformations and genetic anomalies. New fetal surgery procedures have been recently developed in an attempt to improve prognosis for cases at risk of perinatal death and therefore, a proper diagnosis and early referral to fetal surgery centres is crucial in this era.”
Understanding of pregnancy and fetal physiologies has advanced significantly over the last few years. However, these advances have also created new, unanswered questions says Dr Daniel L Rolnik. He adds, “Make sure you attend the ISUOG 2025 World Congress in Cancun to hear world-renowned experts discuss the exciting latest advances and evidence in this field. We look forward to seeing you there!”
This topic in spotlight will improve understanding of the latest research and clinical best practice on early pregnancy care. Delegates can expect to learn more on how ultrasound findings correlate with risk to both mother and fetus in cesarean scar pregnancies.
Dr Shabnam Bobdiwala, Scientific Committee member, invites you to attend Congress to hear more and expand your knowledge on the advances in the management of pregnancies of unknown location. On behalf of the Committee she says, “We look forward to seeing you there and joining us in the lively debate!”
Find out more on the topic in spotlight page.